Hello, friendly AucTeX help community,

I am not sure whether I did miss something or something is genuinely not working as it should.

I am testing with a minimal (La)TeX-file, main.tex, with the following local variables set at the bottom:

%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% TeX-engine: xetex
%%% TeX-auto-save: t
%%% TeX-parse-self: t
%%% End:

When opening (‘finding’) the file, AucTeX does not produce the Style files for this file; I have to do that manually with *TeX-normal-mode* (C-c C-n).  But that does only produce the /./auto/main.el/ style, not any other style files loaded by main.

I am using the langscibook class and their skeleton, which uses customization files starting with “local”, in particular:


The AucTeX-style-files for these are not automatically generated (why?); I have to do that with *TeX-auto-generate* on the directory.  Then, the style file for /localcommands.tex/ and /localbibliography.bib/ are generated (I put them into the ./auto/-directory).

But there is no style file for localpackages.tex. For testing, it contains only one command: \usepackage{/IL-format/}. Even when I run *TeX-auto-generate* manually directly on the localpackages.tex file, no style file seems to be generated.  This appears really odd and unexpected to me.

The style file for /IL-format.sty/ is in ~/.emacs.d/auctex/auto/, so it should be accessible to AucTeX, but it is not loaded: its commands are not available when editing main.tex.

Even when I manually add "IL-format" to the TeX-run-style-hooks in the TeX-add-style-hook in ./auto/main.el and load the main.tex file again, the commands are not available.

The expected behavior, from what I understand from the documentation (but this is not really spelled out, or am I missing something?  where is that explained in detail?) would be that the main style file and the dependent style files are generated automatically in ./auto when I open and parse the file /main.tex/, at least when I parse it manually with *TeX-normal-mode*.

Then I would expect a style file for the /localpackages.tex/ file to be generated, at least when I manually generate all style files in my current directory, and in particular when I run *TeX-auto-generate* directly on that file.

And finally, I would AucTeX expect to load the existing style file for my own macro package /IL-format.sty/ in /~/.emacs.d/auctex/auto//, in particular when I put that file in the list of TeX-run-style-hooks in the style file /./auto/main.el/ that is loaded when parsing /main.tex/.

I annex the relevant files, and the configuration below shows that my paths should be configured correctly.

Where is the generation of style files and their loading described?  I found the information in the AucTeX manual (info) not very helpful for answering these questions.  But as I said, probably I am missing something.  Please point me to the documentation that I was not able to find.

Thanks in advance for all help!


Emacs  : GNU Emacs 27.1 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.30, cairo version 1.16.0)
 of 2022-01-24, modified by Debian
Package: 13.2.0

current state:
 AUCTeX-date "2023-04-24"
 window-system 'x
 LaTeX-version "2e"
 TeX-style-path '("~/.emacs.d/auctex" "/home/sebastian/.emacs.d/elpa/auctex-13.2.0/style"           "/home/sebastian/.emacs.d/auctex/auto" "/home/sebastian/.emacs.d/auctex/style" "auto" "style")
 TeX-auto-save t
 TeX-parse-self t
 TeX-master t
 TeX-command-list '(("TeX" "%(PDF)%(tex) %(file-line-error) %`%(extraopts) %S%(PDFout)%(mode)%' %(output-dir) %t"              TeX-run-TeX nil (plain-tex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help "Run plain TeX")             ("LaTeX" "%`%l%(mode)%' %T" TeX-run-TeX nil (latex-mode doctex-mode) :help "Run LaTeX")             ("Makeinfo" "makeinfo %(extraopts) %(o-dir) %t" TeX-run-compile nil (texinfo-mode) :help
             "Run Makeinfo with Info output")
            ("Makeinfo HTML" "makeinfo %(extraopts) %(o-dir) --html %t" TeX-run-compile nil (texinfo-mode) :help
             "Run Makeinfo with HTML output")
            ("AmSTeX" "amstex %(PDFout) %`%(extraopts) %S%(mode)%' %(output-dir) %t" TeX-run-TeX nil
             (ams-tex-mode) :help "Run AMSTeX")
            ("ConTeXt" "%(cntxcom) --once --texutil %(extraopts) %(execopts)%t" TeX-run-TeX nil (context-mode)
             :help "Run ConTeXt once")
            ("ConTeXt Full" "%(cntxcom) %(extraopts) %(execopts)%t" TeX-run-TeX nil (context-mode) :help
             "Run ConTeXt until completion")
            ("BibTeX" "bibtex %(O?aux)" TeX-run-BibTeX nil
             (plain-tex-mode latex-mode doctex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode context-mode) :help "Run BibTeX")
            ("Biber" "biber %(output-dir) %s" TeX-run-Biber nil
             (plain-tex-mode latex-mode doctex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help "Run Biber")             ("Texindex" "texindex %s.??" TeX-run-command nil (texinfo-mode) :help "Run Texindex")             ("Texi2dvi" "%(PDF)texi2dvi %t" TeX-run-command nil (texinfo-mode) :help "Run Texi2dvi or Texi2pdf")             ("View" "%V" TeX-run-discard-or-function t t :help "Run Viewer")
            ("Print" "%p" TeX-run-command t t :help "Print the file")
            ("Queue" "%q" TeX-run-background nil t :help "View the printer queue" :visible TeX-queue-command)
            ("File" "%(o?)dvips %d -o %f " TeX-run-dvips t
             (plain-tex-mode latex-mode doctex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help "Generate PostScript file")
            ("Dvips" "%(o?)dvips %d -o %f " TeX-run-dvips nil
             (plain-tex-mode latex-mode doctex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help
             "Convert DVI file to PostScript")
            ("Dvipdfmx" "dvipdfmx -o %(O?pdf) %d" TeX-run-dvipdfmx nil
             (plain-tex-mode latex-mode doctex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help
             "Convert DVI file to PDF with dvipdfmx")
            ("Ps2pdf" "ps2pdf %f %(O?pdf)" TeX-run-ps2pdf nil
             (plain-tex-mode latex-mode doctex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help
             "Convert PostScript file to PDF")
            ("Glossaries" "makeglossaries %(d-dir) %s" TeX-run-command nil
             (plain-tex-mode latex-mode doctex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help
             "Run makeglossaries to create glossary file")
            ("Index" "makeindex %(O?idx)" TeX-run-index nil
             (plain-tex-mode latex-mode doctex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help
             "Run makeindex to create index file")
            ("upMendex" "upmendex %(O?idx)" TeX-run-index t
             (plain-tex-mode latex-mode doctex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help
             "Run upmendex to create index file")
            ("Xindy" "texindy %s" TeX-run-command nil
             (plain-tex-mode latex-mode doctex-mode ams-tex-mode texinfo-mode) :help
             "Run xindy to create index file")
            ("Check" "lacheck %s" TeX-run-compile nil (latex-mode) :help "Check LaTeX file for correctness")             ("ChkTeX" "chktex -v6 %s" TeX-run-compile nil (latex-mode) :help
             "Check LaTeX file for common mistakes")
            ("Spell" "(TeX-ispell-document \"\")" TeX-run-function nil t :help "Spell-check the document")             ("Clean" "TeX-clean" TeX-run-function nil t :help "Delete generated intermediate files")
            ("Clean All" "(TeX-clean t)" TeX-run-function nil t :help
             "Delete generated intermediate and output files")
            ("Other" "" TeX-run-command t t :help "Run an arbitrary command"))

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