That works. Thanks! 

The explanation makes perfect sense. But it also means that putting

%%% eval: (outline-hide-body)

in the file’s local variables doesn’t work. Is there a similar work-around 
here, so I can make the settings file-specific if I want?


> On Feb 19, 2024, at 1:41 AM, Ikumi Keita <> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
>>>>>> Richard Stanton via bug-auctex via Bug reporting list for AUCTeX 
>>>>>> < <>> writes:
>> Using Emacs 29.2 under MacOS 12.7.3, I want LaTeX files to open with
>> section bodies hidden, and just headers showing. I can get this to work
>> manually when I'm editing the file by running the command
>> "outline-hide-body". But when I run the same command as part of
>> LaTeX-mode-hook, the file opens with nothing hidden.
>> Here's the relevant portion of my init.el file. The rest of it just
>> deals with setting up straight.el:
>> (use-package tex :straight auctex)
>> (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda()
>>                             (outline-minor-mode 1)
>>                             (outline-hide-body)
>>                             ))
>> Note that:
>> 1) If I add other commands to this LaTeX-mode-hook, they get executed just
>> fine. it seems to be only the outline-hide-body command that isn't doing
>> what I expect.
>> 2) Everything works as I hope if I don't load AUCTeX but use the
>> built-in LaTeX mode instead (with the appropriately renamed hook).
>> Is this a bug, or am i missing something?
> Sorry for bothering you. I think this is an outcome of the fix of
> bug#65750[1] last September.
> In the fix, settings for outline mode were deferred after the parsing
> file local variables so that user's customize to section commands are
> reflected to outline related functionalities. This however means that
> `LaTeX-mode-hook' runs before outline mode settings are ready.
> I haven't come up with a clean solutions yet. For a tentative
> workaround, you can use
> (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
>         (lambda ()
>           (add-hook 'find-file-hook
>                     (lambda()
>                        (outline-minor-mode 1)
>                        (outline-hide-body))
>                     nil t)))
> instead of
> (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda()
>                             (outline-minor-mode 1)
>                             (outline-hide-body)
>                             ))
> .
> [1] 
> <>
> Regards,
> Ikumi Keita
> #StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine
> #Gaza #StopMassiveKilling #CeasefireNOW

bug-auctex mailing list
  • bug#69254... Richard Stanton via bug-auctex via Bug reporting list for AUCTeX
    • bug#... Ikumi Keita
      • ... Richard Stanton via bug-auctex via Bug reporting list for AUCTeX
        • ... Ikumi Keita
          • ... Arash Esbati
            • ... Ikumi Keita
              • ... Arash Esbati
                • ... Ikumi Keita
                • ... Arash Esbati
                • ... Ikumi Keita

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