Hello Polarina,

* Polarina wrote on Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 08:35:26PM CET:
> The automake and friends automatically licensed my code with GPLv2 (They
> added the COPYING file with that license) when I wanted GPLv3. What
> gives? I'm using version 1.10.
>     $ automake --add-missing --copy

The next Automake release will, in the same situation, install GPLv3 by
default.  Until that is available, you can just grab the GPLv3 text
here: <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt> and put that in COPYING.
Further reruns of the above command will not modify an existing COPYING

If you would like automake to avoid messing with COPYING at all, use the
`foreign' option or the --foreign argument; for automake options see

Hope that helps.


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