On 9/24/12 6:18 PM, Hib Eris wrote:
Hi Peter,

Thanks for looking into this.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 8:29 AM, Peter Johansson<troj...@gmail.com>  wrote:
I have the setup you describe, and I have not encountered the problem you

I have AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h lib/config_public.h])

and there is no rule to create 'lib/config_public.h.in'. Am I missing
I have attached an example setup.
After running 'autoreconf -fi', I get a lib/Makefile.in with an rule
to create $(srcdir)/config-public.h.in calling $(AUTOHEADER).

Yes, this looks like a bug IMVHO. The difference between your setup and mine is that I only have one Makefile. But I just recently converted to non-recursive makefiles, and haven't noticed this bug, which suggests this is a recent regression (1.12???).


Peter Johansson

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