retitle 12522 automake tests require obsolete vala posix profile
forcemerge 12934 12522

On 11/19/2012 06:11 PM, Adam Sampson wrote:
> Hi,
Hi Adam, thanks for the report.

> Some of automake-1.12.5's Vala tests rely on "valac --profile posix"
> (which makes it not use glib). However, the posix profile was removed in
> August 2012, and is no longer present in the GNOME 3.6.2 version of
> valac:
> The tests that fail for me because of this are:
>   vala-vapi
>   vala-vpath
>   vala-mix
>   vala-mix2
>   vala-parallel
Already reported in:
(but thanks for the extra details).

This is a low-priority bug, since the failures are spurious and the tests
are still passing for me (I still have valac 0.16.1).  But of course, if
anyone wants to take a shot at this bug, patches are very welcome.


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