I know the presence of "color" in my subject will cause people to tell me to read the FAQ section E3; so I already have ;-)
Here's how I can reproduce: 1) set PS1 to use colors and reset the color at the end, as per the bash prompt HOWTO; eg. the "lightweight" prompt described here, http://www.gilesorr.com/bashprompt/howto/x924.html For example, here's my preferred prompt: PS1="\[\033[01;[EMAIL PROTECTED];34m\] \W \$\[\033[00m\] " As far as I can tell, everything is escaped properly... no? 2) cd to a directory with a name that is longer than $COLUMNS e.g. if COLUMNS == 80, something like this: mkdir \ reallylongname1345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 cd \ reallylongname1345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 3) type a command line longer than $COLUMNS; just enter random characters until it wraps. But don't hit enter, instead hit Ctrl-a (or Esc-0 if you prefer vi) Expected: The cursor moves to the beginning of the command line. Observed behavior: The cursor is displayed several characters after the beginning of the line, but edits behave as if you ARE at the beginning of the line, so what you see is not what you get, and editing the command line becomes almost impossible. I can reproduce this at the console or in any terminal I've tried (xterm, rxvt, gnome-terminal, ...) I checked with several coworkers and they can reproduce this too. Note that I don't get this problem if I leave out the color reset at the end of the prompt; eg this works fine: PS1="\[\033[01;[EMAIL PROTECTED];34m\] \W \$ " Workarounds: - don't use a color prompt - or, don't display \W or \w in the prompt Can anybody confirm if this is a real bug? Oh yeah: $ bash --version GNU bash, version 3.2.33(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Thanks, - Paul Winkler