
When using 'echo -n' or printf without a final \n, and then using 
the Up and Down keys to walk through previous commands, bash can 
get confused about its cursor position (or rather its prompt 
position) and either leave some stray text in the middle of the 
line, or overwrite part of its prompt.

An example of the stray text is given in the attached typescript.  
It was produced with this command:

  script -t -c 'env -i bash --norc --noprofile' 2>timing

and then typing: <space>echo -n "some text"<enter>, <space>, 
<arrowup>, <arrowdown>, <arrowup>, <arrowdown>, <enter>, <space>, 
exit<enter>  --  without the comma+space pairs of course.  (The 
<space>s are not relevant but are to defeat a bug in the timing.)

The first <arrowdown> causes bash to rewrite its prompt at the start 
of the line (instead of after "some text") and not outputting enough 
spaces to clear the entire line.

Script started on Tue Aug 12 19:32:29 2008
bash-3.2$  echo -n "some text"
some textbash-3.2$  echo -n "some text"
bash-3.2$  echo -n "some text"
bash-3.2$  exit

Script done on Tue Aug 12 19:32:57 2008
0.174879 10
0.000330 1
0.750233 1
1.468244 1
0.516277 1
0.499631 1
0.528181 1
0.474733 1
0.507721 1
0.552587 1
0.447074 1
0.581336 1
0.941345 1
0.552650 1
0.487494 1
0.491133 1
0.495713 1
0.459160 1
0.495090 1
0.458761 1
0.552680 1
0.769417 2
1.063406 9
0.000267 10
0.000052 1
1.032821 19
2.756806 43
2.069310 19
2.138690 43
1.340475 2
0.728973 10
0.000175 1
2.576283 1
0.450139 1
0.458798 1
0.389751 1
0.455375 2
0.470640 6

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