>>>>> "CR" == Chet Ramey <chet.ra...@case.edu> writes: >> $ history needs a --no-numbers-please option (-u maybe?), as I can't >> recall when I didn't run the output through sed to get rid of them.
CR> Why not just use fc -ln? Because "help history" didn't tip me off that I could try that. However $ history|wc -l 9999 $ fc -ln|wc -l 16 reveals that "fc" has absconded with 9999-16 lines, and there is no mention on "help fc" where they went. OK, one sees on the bash man page that there are ways to get more lines. But the onus is on the bash author to add a --no-numbers-please one letter option just like he has to fc, as any other solution is more work than just using sed... (and now that everything else is fixed and we can quibble about minor issues :-) ). By the way, type $ history|false|less or history|true|less then type "q" [1]+ Stopped history | false | less Weird. Doesn't happen with $ date|false|less