> It depends heavily on how the variables IFS and zf are set. From 'man bash':
> -W wordlist
>     The  wordlist is split using the characters in the IFS special
>     variable as delimiters, and each resultant word is expanded.
>     The possible completions are the members  of  the  resultant
>     list which match the word being completed.

I used a newline since the original listing comes from `find'.

> You didn't say how you assigned the variable zf. If you simply did
> zf=$(ls /home/mathias/Videos/movies/*), the "Brazil" line will be split
> into 4 words instead of 1. However, your output suggest that you somehow
> managed to combine all file names to a single word starting with
> Harry.Potter.

Yes, that could be the case.

> Try this: Choose a character which doesn't appear in any file name,
> e.g., ':'.
>      list=$(printf "%s:" /home/mathias/Videos/movies/*)
>      IFS=: compgen -W "$list" -- $zc

That works, thanks! However, I also want files from sub folders to be
found, so I use `find' to list them.

Here is my latest attempt, using the idea of setting IFS to `:':

_mm2() {
    local cur files
    files=$(find /home/mathias/Videos/movies/ -iname '*.avi' -type f -
printf "%p:")
    COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur}))
complete -o filenames -F _mm2 mm

Looks like it should work but it does not. Typing mm<SPC><TAB> gives
the listing and completes all the way to the path, but if I add B
again it does not match Brazil.

Any ideas?

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