Marc a écrit :

>    source  $(dirname "$0")/

I usually begin all my scripts with this beast:

absolutiseScripts() { SCRIPTS="$1" ; echo "$SCRIPTS" | grep -q ^/ || 
SCRIPTS="`dirname "$2"`/$SCRIPTS" ; } ; absolutiseScripts "`command -v "$0"`" 
"`pwd`/." ; while [ -h "$SCRIPTS" ] ; do absolutiseScripts "`readlink 
"$SCRIPTS"`" "$SCRIPTS" ; done ; SCRIPTS="`dirname "$SCRIPTS"`"

I use it with bash on Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Linux, and it seems (just tested now 
at work) that HP/UX 11 with its bare sh can handle it.

It does a lot of symlink-resolution, because I typically store my scripts in an 
src/scripts directory, with symlinks from $HOME/bin/tagadatsointsoin to 


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