On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 10:46:30AM +0200, Bernd Eggink wrote:
> Am 19.07.2010 08:30, schrieb Ken Irving:
> >On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 11:53:02AM -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:
> >>
> >>from man bash, to define a function use;
> >>
> >>"function" "name"<compound-command>
> >>  OR
> >>"name" ()<compound-command>
> >>
> >>right?
> >>
> >>And Compound Commands are:
> >>
> >>  (<list>)
> >>   {<list>; )
> >>  (( expression ))
> >>  [[ expression ]]
> >>...et al....
> >>
> >>so why do I get a syntax error for
> >>
> >>function good_dir [[ -n $1&&  -d $1&&  -r $1&&  -x $1 ]]
> >>
> >>bash: syntax error near unexpected token `[['
> >
> >I see this in bash(1):
> >
> >         ...
> >         Shell Function Definitions
> >             ...
> >             [ function ] name () compound-command [redirection]
> >
> >and do not see the version you show without the parens.
> It's there. Look at the 3rd sentence:
> "If the function reserved word is supplied,  the  parentheses  are
> optional."

So maybe the declaration could be fixed to show that, e.g., as either of:

    name () compound-command [redirection]
    function name [()] compound-command [redirection]

I can't see how to put that in one construct...


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