On 2013-08-24 07:21, Michael  Harris wrote:
> Sincerely,
> Michael B. Harris
> Kc9cmt,Recording Secretary, MRAC
> Linux User #1063
> 42.922241,-87.880583
> (Unimatrix Zero)
> Linux Penguins
>  <http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/category/python/>
> http://s0.cyberciti.org/images/category/python_logo.png
>  <http://elinux.org/RPi_Hub> Raspberry Pi Logo.svg

You can't subscribe like that, see
https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-bash for information on how to do

Also, please shorten your signature. Nobody likes receiving tons and tons of
images as attachments for no reason, it's ridiculous.

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