On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 05:02:43PM -0400, Shawn Wilson wrote:
> If there's no good reason to keep this as is (some use case where
> this might be wanted and breaking backward compatibility - I can't
> see anyone actually *wanting* it this way) shouldn't it be changed?
> A behavior can be documented and still be bad.

Well, there are multiple aspects to this issue.

The first is that "declare -n" is very new (only since bash 4.2), so
most script writers either aren't aware of it yet, or haven't had
much chance to use it.  It's hard to have a good understanding of
how to use something properly without some experience.

The second is that bash's "declare -n" is, in its current implementation,
not robust enough for general use.  It has two major issues, which I've
documented on my wiki, which I'll summarize here:

 1) It doesn't cross scopes.  It's not like Tcl's upvar at all.  It
    only refers to a variable in the same scope (which, following the
    standard bash rules, means it'll recursively search upward until
    it finds a matching variable by name).  What this means is that
    while you might EXPECT this to work:

    f() {
        declare -n foo="$1"

    It won't work in the general case.  Demonstration:

    imadev:~$ f() { declare -n foo="$1"; }
    imadev:~$ g() { declare -n foo="$1"; f foo; }
    imadev:~$ foo=bar
    imadev:~$ g foo
    bash: warning: foo: circular name reference

    So, you can't use it to pass variable names from a caller to
    a function.  You STILL have namespace collisions.

 2) It allows arbitrary code execution, just like eval:

    imadev:~$ f() { declare -n foo="$1"; echo "$foo"; }
    imadev:~$ f 'x[i=0$(date >&2)]'
    Wed May 27 08:07:35 EDT 2015

    Though, one might argue that this is more of an issue with bash's
    indexed arrays than with eval or declare -n.  Even printf -v isn't
    safe against this.

(See also http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/048)

The third aspect to consider about "unset nameref" is whether the script
writer's intent was to unset the nameref itself, or the variable pointed
to by the nameref.

    unset foo

Given those two lines of code, with no context, we might expect that
the word "bar" is no longer held in memory anywhere (or is held in a
chunk of memory that's free to be overwritten at any time).  If foo
is a regular variable, this is the case.  If foo is a nameref to
another variable, then it's STILL true:

    imadev:~$ declare -n foo=somevariable
    imadev:~$ foo=bar
    imadev:~$ unset foo
    imadev:~$ declare -p foo somevariable
    declare -n foo="somevariable"
    bash: declare: somevariable: not found

This leaves the nameref intact, so you can assign a new "somevariable"
through it.  Wiping and re-assigning the pointed-to variable might be
what someone wants.

Here's another surprise, that I didn't know until now.  Given the above,
if we follow it up with another declaration of foo, it "hides" the
nameref.   But the nameref declaration is still there, lurking, waiting.

    imadev:~$ declare -A foo
    imadev:~$ foo["jug"]="brown"
    imadev:~$ declare -p foo somevariable
    declare -A foo='([jug]="brown" )'
    bash: declare: somevariable: not found
    imadev:~$ unset foo
    imadev:~$ declare -p foo somevariable
    declare -n foo="somevariable"
    bash: declare: somevariable: not found

Is that what Chet intended?  I have no idea.  (I was actually expecting
"declare -A foo" to create an associative array named somevariable,
with foo still pointing to it.)

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