Quoting "Chet Ramey" <chet.ra...@case.edu>:

On 12/10/15 2:16 PM, up201407...@alunos.dcc.fc.up.pt wrote:

This is a suggestion for a bash security hardening patch which prevents
xtrace from being initialized to the SHELLOPTS environment variable when a
new shell starts.

This is far too drastic a solution to the problem you have posed.

xtrace can be used to exploit bogus system()/popen() calls on setuid
binaries via a specially crafted PS4 environment variable leading to
privilege escalation, like so:

I don't really see privilege escalation here.  Your setuid root program
sets the real and effective UIDs to 0 and calls system().  There is no
way to distinguish this as the result of running a setuid program, and
any privilege escalation takes place before system() runs.

Yes, privilege escalation happens before system(), but it is possible to run arbitrary commands as uid 0.

I have to tell you, if I wanted to exploit a program written this poorly,
I wouldn't mess around with SHELLOPTS.  I'd go straight to PATH.

The test case I presented couldn't be abused by PATH because i gave it a full path, as in system("/bin/date")

Here's another example:

# cat test.c
int main()
# gcc test.c
# chmod 4755 a.out
# exit
$ env -i SHELLOPTS=xtrace PS4='$(id)' ./a.out
Sun Dec 13 19:35:14 WET 2015

As horrible as it is to setuid() and system(), this wouldn't seem like a vulnerable program.

AFAIK, privmode has made it into bash to defend against these poorly written programs, as seen in section 7 of the bash NOTES file.

So, in upstream bash, if uid != euid it drops privileges.
This means that if someone really wants to change privileges in a setuid binary, he just needs to take an extra step and add setuid()/setreuid() in there. After that, they'd be equally as vulnerable. Obviously bash does more than it's asked by using such functionality, which some other shells don't.
Only recently dash started adopting it.

This isn't a good reason to take xtrace out of $SHELLOPTS unconditionally.
It's not even a good enough reason to ignore SHELLOPTS if the shell is
running as uid 0.

This doesn't completely remove it.

For example, bash -x would still work:

$ cat test.sh

printf 'Hello Chet\n'
$ bash -x test.sh
+ printf 'Hello Chet\n'
Hello Chet
+ echo braceexpand:hashall:interactive-comments:xtrace

Only problem would be, as Stephane said, when other programs invoke shell scripts.

Maybe another way of solving this problem would be initializing $PS4 with it's default value "+ ", and not importing it from the environment.
I believe that would be a much better solution.

$ diff -Naur bash-4.2.53 bash-4.2.53.patch/
diff -Naur bash-4.2.53/variables.c bash-4.2.53.patch/variables.c
--- bash-4.2.53/variables.c     2014-10-01 20:54:55.000000000 +0100
+++ bash-4.2.53.patch/variables.c       2015-12-13 21:51:38.926476398 +0000
@@ -465,7 +465,10 @@
       set_if_not ("PS2", secondary_prompt);
-  set_if_not ("PS4", "+ ");
+  /* Don't allow PS4 to be imported from the environment.
+     Specially crafted SHELLOPTS+PS4 could be used to exploit
+     bogus system(3)/popen(3) calls in setuid executables. */
+  bind_variable ("PS4", "+ ", 0);

   /* Don't allow IFS to be imported from the environment. */
   temp_var = bind_variable ("IFS", " \t\n", 0);

# rm /bin/bash
# cp ./bash /bin/bash
# exit
$ env -i SHELLOPTS=xtrace PS4='$(id)' ./a.out
+ /bin/date
Sun Dec 13 21:56:38 WET 2015

Thoughts on this?

Federico Bento.

``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
                 ``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
Chet Ramey, ITS, CWRU    c...@case.edu    http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/~chet/

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