On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Chet Ramey <chet.ra...@case.edu> wrote:

> The only buggy behavior when inside of functions (ignoring scope issues)
> > seems to be that `declare -n ref’ unsets the value of $ref if it
> previously
> > pointed to a variable that is unset.
> I fixed this as part of making other changes prompted by the discussion.

All the behavior inside functions now seems consistent with what is in the
docs. But the behavior at global scope still seems strange (sorry if this
is still a WIP):

Each of the following produces different results in global scope and inside
a function:

$ unset -n r{1,2}; declare -n r1=r2 r2=x; *declare -n r1=y*; declare -p r{1,2}
declare *-n r1="r2"*
declare *-n r2="y"*

$ f() { !!; }; f
declare -n r1="y"
declare -n r2="x"

$ unset -n r{1,2}; declare -n r1=r2 r2=x; *declare +n r1=y*; declare -p r{1,2}
declare *-n r1="r2"*
declare *-- r2="x"*

$ f() { !!; }; f
declare *--* r1="y"
declare -n r2="x"

Also the following case that does not even involve any chains works

$ declare -n ref=var; *declare +n ref=foo*; declare -p ref
declare -- ref="*var*"

$ f() { !!; }; f
declare -- ref="*foo*"


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