On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 5:34 AM, Joonas Saarinen <j...@saunalahti.fi> wrote:
> Hi,
> By default Bash uses these files in my home directory:
> .bashrc
> .bash_logout
> .bash_history
> .profile
> However, wouldn't it be more streamlined to place these files under
> directory '~/.config/bash'?

+1 for this. I've also been wanting the option to have bash look in
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME for the user-level bashrc and bash_logout. It's not
much of a compatibility breaker unless you have multiple bash versions
installed and actually use more than one of them interactively (or
have stupid programs like scp that do so), in which case a symlink
should work. Bash, openssh, and gnupg are the major things I use that
still don't utilize XDG_*.

.profile should probably stay where it is under ~.

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