On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 7:05 AM, L A Walsh <b...@tlinx.org> wrote:

> isabella parakiss wrote:
>> that's not true https://gist.github.com/fa4efd90376ff2714901e4429fdee734
>> read successfully reads the data, but then it's discarded by bash
> ----
>    It's discarded by bash because the read doesn't read 10
> characters within the time limit.  If you use -N 5, you get
> your output.   "-t" says it will timeout and return failure if a
> specified number of characters is not read within timeout period.

The manual for -t says:

If read times out, read saves any partial input read into the specified
variable *name*.


If timeout is exceeded, then return status is > 128:
> bash -c '( printf 12345; sleep 2 ) | ( read -t 1 -N 10 v; echo "s=$?,
> <$v>" )'
> s=142, <>
> (status is > 128)

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