On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 6:28 AM, Vladimir Marek <vladimir.ma...@oracle.com>

> Hi,
> I'm not sure what is going on, but the bash test suite was getting
> stopped (as if SIGSTOP was received) in the middle. Trying to find
> minimal set of conditions it came to this:
>  - my ~/.bashrc has to contain 'cd /' (any dir works)
>  - the tests have to first execute run-execscript, namely it has to
>    execute exec6.sub, namely the line ${THIS_SH} -i ./exec8.sub
>  - the file exec8.sub is reported as not found (I presume because of the
>    'cd /' in .bashrc)
>  - the tests then have to run read-test, exactly in read2.sub when
>  'read -t 2 a < /dev/tty' was executed whole thing was stopped
> When I removed the 'cd' command from my ~/.bashrc, all worked fine.
> I then tried to make minimal reproducible case and came to this (this
> time there is no 'cd /' in my ~/.bashrc needed):
> $ bash -c 'bash -i i; bash -i i'
> bash -c 'bash -i i; bash -i i'
> bash: i: No such file or directory
> [1]+  Stopped                 bash -c 'bash -i i; bash -i i'

I can reproduce this with bash 4.4.5 on Debian 8.5.

  foo@deb64:~$ bash -c 'bash -i 1; bash -i 2'
  bash: 1: No such file or directory

  [1]+  Stopped                 bash -c 'bash -i 1; bash -i 2'
  foo@deb64:~$ echo $?

It was stopped by SIGTTIN. According to gdb backtrace it was killed by the
second "bash -i".

  4099       while ((terminal_pgrp = tcgetpgrp (shell_tty)) != -1)
  4100         {
  4101           if (shell_pgrp != terminal_pgrp)
  4102             {
  4103               SigHandler *ottin;
  4105               ottin = set_signal_handler (SIGTTIN, SIG_DFL);
  4106               kill (0, SIGTTIN);
  4107               set_signal_handler (SIGTTIN, ottin);
  4108               continue;
  4109             }
  4110           break;
  4111         }

The problem is tcgetpgrp() still returns the pgrp of the first "bash -i"
when the second "bash -i" is running. This can be shown with following

  foo@deb64:~$ bash -c 'bash -i 1; sleep 9999'
  bash: 1: No such file or directory    <-- CTRL-C does not work here

  root@deb64:~# ps t pts/10 j
   96886  96887  96887  96887 pts/10    97073 Ss    1001   0:00 -bash
   96887  97072  97072  96887 pts/10    97073 S     1001   0:00 bash -c
bash -i 1; sleep 9999
   97072  97074  97072  96887 pts/10    97073 S     1001   0:00 sleep 9999

Here the TPGID 97073 must be the first "bash -i" which has already exited.
Seems like for some reason the "bash -c" does not set the foreground pgrp
to the second "bash -i".

(Still learning the APUE book. Hope my analysis makes sense. :)

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