In Debian, using Bash version 4.4, path level 12, I've set a DEBUG trap
in my .bashrc and tried running the following command, with the
following output resulting. The five lines between the command being run
by fc and that command's output, is the text of the DEBUG trap.

1075 $ fc -e true 1072 1073
which mutt
 >/dev/tty \
       printf "\033%s${title_fmt}" "[01;00m" "${BASH_COMMAND}"; \
       [[ -z ${prior_cmd}  ]] && SECONDS=0 ;                    \
       [[ "${BASH_COMMAND}" != "my_prompt_command" ]]           \
       && { prior_cmd="${BASH_COMMAND}"; SECONDS=0; }           \

which bash
 >/dev/tty \
       printf "\033%s${title_fmt}" "[01;00m" "${BASH_COMMAND}"; \
       [[ -z ${prior_cmd}  ]] && SECONDS=0 ;                    \
       [[ "${BASH_COMMAND}" != "my_prompt_command" ]]           \
       && { prior_cmd="${BASH_COMMAND}"; SECONDS=0; }           \


CA45 09B5 5351 7C11 A9D1  7286 0036 9E45 1595 8BC0

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