On both Bash 4.4.12(1)-release and 5.0.0(1)-alpha, a subarray slice like
${a[@]:0} expands to just one word if unquoted (and if IFS doesn't
contain a space):

$ a=(aa bb); IFS=x; printf ":%s:\n" ${a[@]:0}
:aa bb:

I expected it would expand to separate words, as it does without the slice, and just like $@ does, sliced or not:

$ a=(aa bb); IFS=x; printf ":%s:\n" ${a[@]}
$ set -- aa bb; IFS=x; printf ":%s:\n" $@
$ set -- aa bb; IFS=x; printf ":%s:\n" ${@:1}

It's as if it first joins the picked elements with spaces, and then splits using IFS, instead of producing multiple words and word-splitting them individually.

The same thing happens with ${a[*]:0} (but not with ${*:1}):
the array elements get joined with spaces to a single word. If IFS is empty, unset, or contains a space the result is multiple words as expected with both [@] and [*].

An expansion like that should in most cases be quoted,
but the current behaviour still seems a bit inconsistent.

Ilkka Virta / itvi...@iki.fi

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