On 9/22/18 12:30 PM, Ilkka Virta wrote:

> The coreutils printf seems to output 'foo\nbar\n' as a single write, though 
> (unless
> it goes to the terminal, so the usual stdio buffering), so you might be able 
> to use
> that.

thx. Might be not that portable but we'll see.

> In any case, if a TCP endpoint cares about getting full data packets within a 
> single
> segment, I'd say it's broken.

fully agree. But unfortunately it just comforts us :-)

Keep in mind that the purpose of the tool is testing and if due to a bug it 
can't do
that, were the ones being blamed or we need to do really strange workarounds to 
'\x0a' in the first 8 bytes.


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