On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 12:01:10AM -0800, don fong wrote:
> but on my mac, adding the sleep makes it fail reliably on the first
> iteration.
> on my linux machine, it seems to succeed reliably even with the sleep - as
> expected.

That's because the version of bash on Mac OS X is 3.2.  Bash 3.2 does
not support sourcing from a process substitution.

wooledg:~$ bash-3.2 -c 'source <(echo echo hi)'
wooledg:~$ bash-4.0 -c 'source <(echo echo hi)'

Like Eduardo, I believe there is not going to be a fix for this on your
vendor's version of bash, due to its age.  You could install a newer
version in /usr/local/bin (or another directory of your choice) and use
that instead.  Otherwise, you'll just have to code around the bugs and
missing features of your vendor's bash.

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