On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 05:34:22PM +0000, Charles-Henri Gros wrote:
> On 5/22/19 5:43 AM, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > Standard disclaimers apply.  Stop using unquoted variables and these
> > bugs will stop affecting you.  Nevertheless, Chet may want to take a
> > peek.
> What unquoted variables? Are you talking about the "$()" expansion?

Yes.  I used a variable instead of a command substitution to make it
easier to reproduce the problem.  Both have the same behavior in this

> The problem I'm trying to solve is to iterate over regex-escaped file
> names obtained from a "find" command. I don't know how to make this
> work. It works with other versions of bash and with other shells.

First step: do not "regex-escape" them, whatever that means.  Just use
the actual filenames as printed by find -print0.

> The original is closer to something like this:
> for file in $(find ... | sed 's/\$/\\$/g'); do grep -e "$file"
> someinput; done

Yeah, that's just the wrong approach.  It's also the first thing on
the BashPitfalls page[1] (for a good reason).

You have two choices here:

1) Use find -exec.

   find ... -exec grep -e someinput /dev/null {} +

2) Use find -print0 and a bash while read loop.  (NOT a for loop.)

   find ... -print0 |
   while IFS= read -rd '' file; do
      something "$file"

   (A variant of this uses < <() instead of a pipeline, so that the while
   loop runs in the main shell and variable assignments can persist.)

Since you only show a simple grep as your action, find -exec is a better
choice for this problem.  (Assuming you didn't fatally misrepresent the
problem.)  Calling grep once for every file would be inefficient.

[1] https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls#pf1

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