Dear Chet

Many thanks for your impressively swift response.  It is enlightening to see
how these expressions are parsed.

For the record, whilst I can now see how they are parsed, it feels
particularly unsatisfactory that the following two expressions yield the same
result when the variable i happens to have unwittingly been decremented below
zero (by bash arithmetic evaluation by the way - not by the output of some
external command):

  echo $((3-10#${i})) 
  echo $((3+10#${i})) 

As you indicate, this is caused by 10# being parsed as zero.  That silent
assumption of zero effectively then also silently nullifies/swallows the
preceding operator.

Ilkka Virta's email helpfully pointed me to a somewhat related debate that
occurred about 11 months ago.  I agree with your comment in this debate:

  "There would be a good case for rejecting the '10#' because it's missing
  the value."

It is this silently proceeding with a plausible (but undesirable) output in
such cases which is especially concerning.

In the meantime it would seem cautionary to advise against the pitfall of
using base# prefixed to variables (contrary to unless you can be confident that
they will never be decremented below zero.

At the very least it would be helpful if the manual reflected that 10#
followed by anything other than a digit ([0-9a-zA-Z@_]) is parsed as zero, and
rlarified more completely the constraints of "number" for "n" in the "base#"

I cannot find anywhere else in the manual where the word "number", "numeric
value" or "integer" excludes values less than zero without explicitly stating
so.  On the other hand phrases like "[if] ...  number/numeric values less than
zero", "if ...  [not] a number greater than [or equal to] zero" are used
repeatedly.  In those cases "number" clearly doesn't exclude those less than

Jeremy Townshend

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