On 20.9. 15:48, Greg Wooledge wrote:
but after the regex-glob-thing, it says:

   That means values like ‘aab’ and ‘ aaaaaab’ will match

So there's a shift in intent between a? and a+ in what's supposed to be
a regular expression.  Although of course the sentence is *literally*
true because the regex would be unanchored, and therefore it's sufficient
to match only the 'ab', and the rest of the input doesn't matter.
But that's just confusing, and doesn't belong in this kind of document.

It goes on to say "as will a line containing a 'b' anywhere in its value", so the text does recognize the zero-width-matching parts don't affect what matches. (I suppose they would affect what goes to BASH_REMATCH[0], but the text doesn't mention that.)

I think it would be a better example with the anchored version also presented for comparison.

Ilkka Virta / itvi...@iki.fi

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