On 12.12. 21:43, L A Walsh wrote:
On 2019/12/06 14:14, Chet Ramey wrote:

Seems very hard to print out that backquote though.  Closest I got
was bash converting it to "''":

The backquote is in [6], and the backslash disappears, you just get the pair of quotes in [2] because that's how printf %q outputs an empty string.

 read -r -a a< <(printf "%q " {Z..a})
 my -p a
declare -a a=([0]="Z" [1]="\\[" [2]="''" [3]="\\]" [4]="\\^" [5]="_" [6]="\\\`" [7]="a")

Ilkka Virta / itvi...@iki.fi

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