No, I haven't. I looked at the various documentations of tcsh and couldn't
see any real improvements in syntax from a standard bash.
I can't even see a reason to use tcsh instead of bash, as an average of
bash. Syntaxes are the same or almost the same and horrible to read.

2020-03-12, kt, 22:21 John McKown <> rašė:

> On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 3:07 PM Vaidas BoQsc <>
> wrote:
>> Are there any plans to have alternative, a more modern C or D like
>> syntaxes
>> for IF statements, While loop and the like in Bash?
>> Would it be better to just make a new shell and command language similar
>> to
>> Bash instead of adding these alternatives?
> I think this would need to go to the bash-dev list. Have you tried tcsh? I
> understand it tries to be C like.
> --
> People in sleeping bags are the soft tacos of the bear world.
> Maranatha! <><
> John McKown

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