I agree: python seem to be more apropriated language for complex operation.

Anyway, bash already offer a lot of features (like `coproc` and `read -t 0`)
usefull for IPC.

I wrote a little ``multiping`` bash script, as multithread demo, running many
parallels ping, reading all outputs and merging them in one line.

Sample: (Hitting `q` after ~4 seconds)

    $ multiping.sh www.google.com www.archlinux.org www.f-hauri.ch
    Started: PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    Started: PING www.archlinux.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    Started: PING www.f-hauri.ch ( 56(84) bytes of data.
               www.google.com  www.archlinux.org    www.f-hauri.ch
    11:00:10          1 12.6            1 46.10           1 9.27   
    11:00:11          2 12.0            2 47.4            2 9.24   
    11:00:12          3 12.7            3 47.6            3 9.22   
    11:00:18          4 10.8            4 46.5            4 9.40   
    www.google.com 4 / 4 -> 0%err. 10.822/12.017/12.661/0.734 ms
    www.archlinux.org 4 / 4 -> 0%err. 46.466/47.125/47.632/0.493 ms
    www.f-hauri.ch 4 / 4 -> 0%err. 9.219/9.282/9.404/0.120 ms

You could find them there:

On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 08:26:49PM +0100, Léa Gris wrote:
> On 27/12/2020 at 19:30, Saint Michael wrote:
> > Yes, superglobal is great.
> Maybe you should consider that Bash or shell is not the right tool for your
> needs.
> If you need to manipulate complex objects, work with shared resources, Bash
> is a very bad choice. If you want to stay with scripting, as you already
> mentioned using Python; Python is a way better choice for dealing with the
> features and requirements you describes.

 Félix Hauri  -  <fe...@f-hauri.ch>  -  http://www.f-hauri.ch

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