On 2021/06/29 16:51, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 04:29:05PM -0700, L A Walsh wrote:
njobs() { printf ${1:+-v $1} "%s\n" "$(jobs |wc -l)"; }

   Which is detected as "illegal input" and disallowed.  If you don't enable
some security errors, they can't be as easily introduced.

Are you *still* insisting that your failure to quote is a SECURITY

Come *on*!
   In this case, not quoting was deliberately intended as variable
names wouldn't need it.  Any security consideration was purely
secondary.  I'm an avid quoter where it is needed, but I no longer
quote for the sake of quoting as I once did.  In a similar manner
I try to not overuse parentheses, just for the sake of it.

   As I stated before, my scripts are most often for myself.  If I needed
security, I'd probably write in a compiled language rather than a
scripting one.
unicorn:~$ njobs() { printf ${1:+-v $1} "%s\n" "$(jobs |wc -l)"; }
unicorn:~$ njobs 'x[0$(date>&2)]'
Tue Jun 29 19:49:16 EDT 2021

All I had to do was remove the space.  You're not even trying.

Your failure to quote is simply a failure.  If you want to prevent
code injection attacks, you need to sanity-check the input.

There is no other way.

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