On Fri, 20 Aug 2021 23:33:38 +0000
hancooper <hancoo...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Friday, August 20, 2021 8:00 PM, Kerin Millar <k...@plushkava.net> wrote:
> > On Fri, 20 Aug 2021 19:28:25 +0000
> > hancooper via Bug reports for the GNU Bourne Again SHell bug-bash@gnu.org 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > I am using EPOCHREALTIME and then computing the corresponding human 
> > > readable form, that can handle
> > > changes in locale
> > > printf -v second '%(%S)T.%s' "${now%[^[:digit:]]}" "${now#[^[:digit:]]}"
> > > printf -v minute '%(%M)T' "${now%[^[:digit:]]}"
> > > printf -v hour '%(%H)T' "${now%[^[:digit:]]}"Incidentally, [![:digit:]] 
> > > does not work there, you need to use the POSIX-specified caret (^) 
> > > instead of an
> > > exclamation mark when using character classes. I'm not sure if this is 
> > > intentional or a bug in bash; man
> > > page doesn't seem to mention it.
> >
> > "If an open bracket introduces a bracket expression as in XBD RE Bracket 
> > Expression, [...] the <exclamation-mark> character ( '!' ) shall replace 
> > the <circumflex> character ( '^' ) in its role in a non-matching list in 
> > the regular expression notation."
> >
> > So says POSIX on the matter of pattern matching notation. In other words, 
> > only the exclamation-mark is POSIX-specified, although bash happens to 
> > tolerate the use of a circumflex, in which case it should behave in the 
> > exact same way. Are you able to show a concrete example of one behaving 
> > differently from the other?
> I could do with some help separating the integer and the fractional part from 
> a floating point number,
> particularly for the situation where the number starts with a period.
>     t="13.357713"
>     # integer part of time interval
>     ts="${t%%[![:digit:]]+([:digit:])}"  # remove longest match from back
>                                          # 13.877597, remove .877597
>     # fractional part of time interval
>     fr="${t##*([:digit:])[![:digit:]]}"  # remove longest match from front
>                                          # 13.877597, remove 13.

"[:digit:]" is missing the additional pair of square brackets that would have 
it be treated as a character class name. Assuming that the extglob option has 
been enabled, try this.


If it's only the value of EPOCHREALTIME that you are concerned with, your 
approach could perhaps be simplified on the basis that it has a well-defined 
format of %u.%06u, where "." may also be some other radix character.


Kerin Millar

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