On Thu, 28 Oct 2021 20:33:22 +0000
elettrino via Bug reports for the GNU Bourne Again SHell <bug-bash@gnu.org> 

> The following shows an example of bash testing a quoted string and as a 
> result executing a command embedded in the string.
> Here I used the command "id" to stand as an example of a command. The output 
> of id on this machine was as follows:
> user@machine:~$ id
> uid=1519(user) gid=1519(user) groups=1519(user),100(users)
> user@machine:~$
> So to demonstrate:
> user@machine:~$ USER_INPUT='x[$(id>&2)]'
> user@machine:~$ test -v "$USER_INPUT"
> uid=1519(user) gid=1519(user) groups=1519(user),100(users)
> user@machine:~$
> This means that if variable USER_INPUT was indeed input from a user, the user 
> could execute an arbitrary command.
> Also unexpected (and presumably related), bash is expanding the construct 
> inside single quote marks:
> user@machine:~$ test -v 'x[$(id>&2)]'
> uid=1519(user) gid=1519(user) groups=1519(user),100(users)
> user@machine:~$
> user@machine:~$ echo $BASH_VERSION
> 4.4.20(1)-release
> user@machine:~$
> I don't know whether this happens with anything other than the -v option with 
> test; I have not seen it happen under any other circumstance.
> Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com) Secure Email.

It is a regrettable consequence of the arithmetical context. See 
https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashProgramming/05#Arithmetic_Expansion for some 
other examples. As things stand, your only option is to validate or sanitise 
abitrarily specified array indices before proceeding to use them in such a 

Kerin Millar

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