On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 15:46 Yair Lenga <yair.le...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry for not being clear. I'm looking for feedback. The solution that I
> have is using python to read the JSON, and generate the commands to build
> the associative array. Will have to rewrite in "C"/submit if there is
> positive feedback from others readers. Yair.

ah, cool
i just have a suggestion, .. to store the keys in a separate array, space

On Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 9:42 AM Alex fxmbsw7 Ratchev <fxmb...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 28, 2022, 15:25 Yair Lenga <yair.le...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Over the last few years, JSON data becomes a integral part of processing.
>>> In many cases, I find myself having to automate tasks that require
>>> inspection of JSON response, and in few cases, construction of JSON. So
>>> far, I've taken one of two approaches:
>>> * For simple parsing, using 'jq' to extract elements of the JSON
>>> * For more complex tasks, switching to python or Javascript.
>>> Wanted to get feedback about the following "extensions" to bash that will
>>> make it easier to work with simple JSON object. To emphasize, the goal is
>>> NOT to "compete" with Python/Javascript (and other full scale language) -
>>> just to make it easier to build bash scripts that cover the very common
>>> use
>>> case of submitting REST requests with curl (checking results, etc), and
>>> to
>>> perform simple processing of JSON files.
>>> Proposal:
>>> * Minimal - Lightweight "json parser" that will convert JSON files to
>>> bash
>>> associative array (see below)
>>> * Convert bash associative array to JSON
>>> To the extent possible, prefer to borrow from jsonpath syntax.
>>> Parsing JSON into an associative array.
>>> Consider the following, showing all possible JSON values (boolean,
>>> number,
>>> string, object and array).
>>> {
>>>     "b": false,
>>>     "n": 10.2,
>>>     "s: "foobar",
>>>      x: null,
>>>     "o" : { "n": 10.2,  "s: "xyz" },
>>>      "a": [
>>>          { "n": 10.2,  "s: "abc", x: false },
>>>          {  "n": 10.2,  "s": "def" x: true},
>>>      ],
>>> }
>>> This should be converted into the following array:
>>> -------------------------------------
>>> # Top level
>>> [_length] = 6                            # Number of keys in object/array
>>> [_keys] = b n s x o a            # Direct keys
>>> [b] = false
>>> [n] = 10.2
>>> [s] = foobar
>>> [x] = null
>>> # This is object 'o'
>>> [o._length] = 2
>>> [o._keys] = n s
>>> [o.n] = 10.2
>>> [o.s] = xyz
>>> # Array 'a'
>>> [a._count] =  2                   # Number of elements in array
>>> # Element a[0] (object)
>>> [a.0._length] = 3
>>> [a.0._keys] = n s x
>>> [a.0.n] = 10.2
>>> [a.0.s] = abc
>>> [a.0_x] = false
>>> -------------------------------------
>>> I hope that example above is sufficient. There are few other items that
>>> are
>>> worth exploring - e.g., how to store the type (specifically, separate the
>>> quoted strings vs value so that "5.2" is different than 5.2, and "null"
>>> is
>>> different from null.
>> did you forget to send the script along ? or am i completly loss
>> a small thing i saw, a flat _keys doesnt do the job..
>> I will leave the second part to a different post, once I have some
>>> feedback. I have some prototype that i've written in python - POC - that
>>> make it possible to write things like
>>> declare -a foo
>>> curl http://www.api.com/weather/US/10013 | readjson foo
>>> printf "temperature(F) : %.1f Wind(MPH)=%d" ${foo[temp_f]}, ${foo[wind]}
>>> Yair

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