On Tue, 27 Jun 2023 02:23:23 +0700
Robert Elz <k...@munnari.oz.au> wrote:

>     Date:        Mon, 26 Jun 2023 10:32:19 +0100
>     From:        Kerin Millar <k...@plushkava.net>
>     Message-ID:  <20230626103219.0f74c089c616248cee6ab...@plushkava.net>
>   | Further, declare is granted special treatment, even after having been
>   | defined as a function (which might be a bug).
> That will be because of the way that "declaration" utilities (which get
> special syntax rules for parsing their args) are detected.   POSIX allows
> (and I think most shells which implement that absurd idea, for this there
> is very little choice) those to be detected merely by examining the
> characters that make up the command word, well before any actual
> interpretation of them is attempted.
> In bash, "declare" (the built-in) is a a declaration utility, so its
> args always get special treatment by the parser, regardless of whether
> or not the declare that will be run is the declaration utility, or
> something else (eg: a function).
> In POSIX, this is not a problem, as the declaration utilities are all
> special built-in commands, and those are recognised before functions
> (ie: it is not meaningfully possible to define a function to replace
> a special built-in).   Bash, at least in non-posix mode, doesn't have
> that restriction.
> Avoiding the declaration utility nonsense arg parsing semantics if
> desired is easy, all that's needed is something like
>       E=
>       $E declare ...
> and then since "$E" is the command word position, and is not a
> declaration utility (regardless of what E is set to, an alternative
> that does the same thing is:
>       D=declare
>       $D ...
> as "$D" is not a declaration utility either - before it is expanded).
> Both of them run "declare" with the args processed in the same way
> that would be used for any other utility (like echo, printf, or awk).
> Unfortunately, it can be (fractionally) simpler to write code where
> the magic declaration utility parsing rules are used, though as best
> I can tell it is never the only way - to avoid it, one simply needs
> to separate the declaration from the assignment, putting one before
> the other (which order depends upon the declaration utility, for export
> it doesn't matter, either order works, for readonly the assignment
> must appear before the readonly, for declare the declaration probably
> usually needs to precede the assignment).   Simple variable assignments
> (as distinct from things which appear to be variable assignments but
> which are actually just args to a utility, regardless of what that
> utility does with them) are always processed with the special arg
> processing syntax rules.
> Of course, none of this is relevant to finding a solution to the
> original problem - but is to deciding whether or not the way that
> bash gives special treatment to "declare" is a bug or not.   My
> impression is that it is not, and that if an application (ie: you)
> decide to define a function with the same name as a declaration
> utility, you need to understand that it is still going to get
> declaration utility arg parsing applied to it, rather than what
> happens to everything else.
> Of course, Chet might decide to change that - shells aren't
> required to only use the chars that make up the command word
> position (before anything is expanded) in order to determine
> the expansion rules - another way (much more complex to code,
> and probably slower to execute) would be the expand the words
> in a simple command, one by one, finding the (expanded) word
> which will actually be the command that is run, and then
> parsing and expanding (in POSIX it is only expanding that
> matters - the parsing rules do not alter, as posix has no arrays
> and hence '(' is always an operator, never just a part of a
> variable value) the remainder of the command line according to
> the rules appropriate for the command that will actually be run.
> Of course, if that were done, the trivial mechanisms to avoid
> declaration utility semantics being applied given above ($E or $D)
> no longer work.   But separating the declaration from the
> assignment should always be possible - if it isn't, something is
> going badly wrong (it might sometimes mean 3 commands need to be
> executed instead of one - one declaration before the assignment,
> and another after, but that's OK for more rational and understandable
> syntax).

I thank you for your insight. I am by no means certain that it should be 
considered a bug, though I did find it surprising (this behaviour does not 
appear to be documented). What was more surprising was the eventual realisation 
that bash silently exits upon any attempt to assign to any of a particular 
subset of its variables. That certainly complicated the matter of debugging 
Martin's code.

Kerin Millar

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