2023-08-31 15:02:22 -0500, Eric Blake via austin-group-l at The Open Group:
> The current POSIX says that %b was added so that on a non-XSI
> system, you could do:
> my_echo() {
>   printf %b\\n "$*"
> }

That is dependant on the current value of $IFS. You'd need:

xsi_echo() (
  IFS=' '
  printf '%b\n' "$*"

Or the other alternatives listed at

> Bash already has shopt -s xpg_echo

Note that in bash, you need both

shopt -s xpg_echo
set -o posix

To get a XSI echo. Without the latter, options are still
recognised. You can get a XSI echo without those options with:

xsi_echo() {
  local IFS=' ' -
  set +o posix
  echo -e "$*\n\c"

The addition of those \n\c (noop) avoids arguments being treated as
options if they start with -.

> The Austin Group also felt that standardizing bash's behavior of %q/%Q
> for outputting quoted text, while too late for Issue 8, has a good
> chance of success, even though C says %q is reserved for
> standardization by C. Our reasoning there is that lots of libc over
> the years have used %qi as a synonym for %lli, and C would be foolish
> to burn %q for anything that does not match those semantics at the C
> language level; which means it will likely never be claimed by C and
> thus free for use by shell in the way that bash has already done.

Note that %q is from ksh93, not bash and is not portable across
implementations and with most including bash's gives an output
that is not safe for reinput in arbitrary locales (as it uses
$'...' in some cases), not sure  it's a good idea to add it to
the standard, or at least it should come with fat warnings about
the risk in using it.

See also:



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