On 07/09/23 15:00, alex xmb ratchev wrote:
u have to \[ esc-seq \]
eg inside \[ and \]

PS1=$'\u\[\e[1m\]\h\[\e[0m- '

should display hostname bold

Thanks for the suggestion, but adding \] does not really fix the problem, it just masks it in many cases (better than nothing).


$ long_name="$(printf 'abcdef0123456789/%.0s' {0..20})"
$ mkdir -p /tmp/$long_name
$ cd /tmp/$long_name
$ PS1='\n\[\e[1m\]\w\[\e[m\] \$ '

(Adapted from <https://bugs.debian.org/631169>.)

Now press up to recall the last command and press down to go back to an empty command line. Various stray characters will still be visible and the cursor will be in the wrong place.

Also try to type any command (say `echo`) and you will notice that "cho" ends up displayed in the wrong line.


Gioele Barabucci

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