On Thu, Nov 9, 2023, 8:24 PM Greg Wooledge <g...@wooledge.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 09, 2023 at 08:09:23PM +0100, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
> >   j() {
> >     local j= a=${AWK:-awk}
> >     [ $# -gt 0 ] && j='&& $2 !~ /(^| )('$(echo "$@" | tr ' ' '|')')(
> |$)/'
> >     j=$(jobs -l | $a -F '[][]' '/^[[]/'"$j"'{print "%" $2}{next}')
> >     echo $j
> >   }
> Classic code injection vulnerability.
> What are we even parsing?  Start with the input:
> unicorn:~$ sleep 5 &
> [1] 849028
> unicorn:~$ jobs -l
> [1]+ 849028 Running                 sleep 5 &
> OK, so you wanted to strip the "1" from "[1]" and turn that into "%1",
> yes?  That shouldn't be terribly hard in pure bash.
>     re='^\[([0-9]+)\]'
>     jobspecs=()
>     while IFS= read -r line; do
>         if [[ $line =~ $re ]]; then
>             jobspecs+=( "%${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" )
>         fi
>     done < <(jobs -l)

sleep 500h & sleep 400h &

~ $ s=7s jid=( ) jpid=( ) ; while IFS=$'\n' j=( $( jobs -l ) ) je=${#j[*]}
IFS=$' \t\n' ; do ji=-1 ; while (( ++ji < je )) ; do t=( ${j[ji]} ) jid+=(
"${t//[^0-9]}" ) jpid+=( "${t[1]}" ) ; done ; declare -p j{e,{,p}id} ;
sleep "$s" ; done
declare -- je="2"
declare -a jid=([0]="1" [1]="2")
declare -a jpid=([0]="21003" [1]="21009")

Wrap that in a function with local declarations, etc.

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