Robert Elz wrote in
 |    Date:        Thu, 09 Nov 2023 21:04:28 +0100
 |    From:        Steffen Nurpmeso <>
 |    Message-ID:  <>
 || ash(1) and busybox ash(1) do not even support jobs -l in a function \
 || (yet).
 |That seems unlikely, ash based shells mostly don't care whether the \
 |they're running are in a function or not, except for those few commands for
 |which that is important (like return, local, etc).
 |Are you sure that you're not seeing the effects of running jobs in a
 |subshell environment (in a command substitution) - where no jobs have
 |yet been created in that environment.   Modern shells allow jobs (like
 |trap) there, as a way to get the parent shell's jobs (or traps), but
 |even now (in the latest drafts) POSIX does not require that jobs works
 |that way (it does for trap, in very limited cases).

That was taking me too literally.  It seems monitor mode and all
its tracked jobs are not available in a subshell, not even within
{ ; }.  ... Hmm.  Well have i done this afternoon:

  #?0|kent:tmp$ dash
  #?0|kent:tmp$ LESS= less t.rc &
  #?0|kent:tmp$ LESS= less &
  #?0|kent:tmp$ jobs -l
  [2] + 18950 Stopped (tty output) less
  [1] - 18948 Stopped              less t.rc
  #?0|kent:tmp$ { jobs -l; }
  [2] + 18950 Stopped (tty output) less
  [1] - 18948 Stopped              less t.rc
  #?0|kent:tmp$ ( jobs -l; )
  #?0|kent:tmp$ listem() {
  > jobs -l
  > }
  #?0|kent:tmp$ listem
  [2] + 18950 Stopped (tty output) less
  [1] - 18948 Stopped              less t.rc
  #?0|kent:tmp$ $( listem )

So i would have to use output redirection in order to avoid
calling listem() in a $() construct.

It seems the simple issue is about to become a monster.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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