>>>>> "MDK" == Martin D Kealey <mar...@kurahaupo.gen.nz> writes:
MDK> How about « fc -ln » ?

I like it!


$ help fc
      -n        omit line numbers when listing

Yes, it omits the line numbers. But leaves the "^I " separators!

$ fc -l 999 1000|cat -vt
999^I echo invite Nerbleson for dinner
1000^I echo and Snordsworth too
$ fc -ln 999 1000|cat -vt
^I echo invite Nerbleson for dinner
^I echo and Snordsworth too

(Well I guess that's better than the other way around at least.
(Inserting the numbers but forgetting the separators.))

MDK> It might be helpful to have explicit cross-references between the
MDK> help displays for «history» and «fc».

Yup, else I would have never learned about this feature unless the nice
man from .nz stepped forth. Imagine that, me, an innocent reader of the
"help history" command, is supposed to magically know about the "fc"
command, without a shred of "SEE ALSO" there on the "help history" page.
Yes, we are all supposed to read the Bash Man page, but a tiny 'see also
"fc"' would go miles in making "help" more helpful.

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