Honestly, I share the same feeling as the others about the name
`library'. The use of the ``library'' feels something wrong in this

I still think the variable name should be BASH_SOURCE_PATH. I've
suggested `-l' as an *example*, but that's just because I couldn't
come up with another letter. It could probably be `-p' following the
similar option of `command -p'.

The reasons that using "library" in this context feels strange are as follows:

* The suggested feature just changes how the script file would be
searched. This doesn't define what would be the library in Bash and
what would not. The suggested feature can be used to load a library,
but the reverse is not true; a library doesn't need to be sourced
through the suggested feature. Even if a script file that contains a
set of utilities is sourced with an absolute/relative path with a
slash, I'd still call it a library. Even if it is found in PATH, I'd
still call it a library. Even if it is found in the current working
directory, I'd still call it a library.

The suggested command-line flag forces the search to be in
BASH_LIBRARIES_PATH and disables the search of libraries in PATH and
the current working directory. You seem to try to justify the naming
by explaining how the script files loaded by the suggested feature can
be considered libraries, but to justify the naming you would need to
explain also how the script files with utilities located in PATH or
the current working directory are NOT considered libraries. If you
would try that, I will contest against it.

* We haven't been using the term `library' in the Bash codebase to
mean the general scripts that contain a set of functions and are
intended to be sourced. These have been just called script files
without a specific name. When we introduce a new term, I'd expect a
clear difference from the existing one. If the new mechanism is
incompatible with the conventional script files, it would suffice as a
difference. Or if the suggested feature would introduce new mechanisms
dedicated to libraries (such as namespacing, dependency resolution,
etc.) and those mechanisms are not going to be provided/available with
the conventional `source' builtin, it would also suffice as a
difference. As far as the new term means essentially a similar thing
as existing script files, I don't see a reason to introduce a new

* I feel not every script file that is intended to be sourced and
usefully placed in BASH_LIBRARIES_PATH would be actually a library. It
might define aliases and shell functions that the user can
interactively call from the command line. It can also be an
initialization code for the environment. It can also be just personal
configurations. For example, would you call a single line file « eval
"$(starship init bash)" » a library? Maybe you call it a library, but
I wouldn't.

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