Hi Boris,

$ arm-wince-pe-objdump -d armtest.o

This is insufficient. Please add the "-r" switch to the objdump command line.

00000000 <_start>:
   0:   e1a01001        mov     r1, r1
   4:   ea000000        b       8 <_start+0x8>

The -r switch should show you that there is a relocation for the instruction at address 0x4, hence the disassembly is showing you an incomplete instruction. (It would be better to run objdump on the fully linked executable, rather than the object file, as that way you do not have to worry about relocations).

(gdb) disas _start
Dump of assembler code for function _start:
0x00000000 <_start+0>:  mov     r1, r1
0x00000004 <_start+4>:  b       0xc

How did you create the file that you gave to GDB ?

Please try the latest sources in the binutils repository. I believe that you will find that this bug has now been fixed.


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