--- Comment #13 from Dopıng <bugs at moronic dot technology> ---
My assembler knowledge is rusty, that much is certain...

Excerpts from the output of “objdump -dwr lxecg2e.o”:
00000010 <lxecg2e>:
  10:   66 90                   xchg   %ax,%ax
  12:   53                      push   %ebx
  13:   8b dc                   mov    %esp,%ebx
  15:   83 e4 f0                and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
  18:   55                      push   %ebp
  19:   55                      push   %ebp
  1a:   8b 6b 04                mov    0x4(%ebx),%ebp
  1d:   89 6c 24 04             mov    %ebp,0x4(%esp)
  21:   8b ec                   mov    %esp,%ebp
  23:   81 ec 08 04 00 00       sub    $0x408,%esp
  29:   89 9d f8 fb ff ff       mov    %ebx,-0x408(%ebp)
  2f:   89 7d f8                mov    %edi,-0x8(%ebp)
  32:   e8 00 00 00 00          call   37 <lxecg2e+0x27>
  37:   5f                      pop    %edi
  38:   8d bf 03 00 00 00       lea    0x3(%edi),%edi   3a: R_386_GOTPC
  3e:   8b 53 08                mov    0x8(%ebx),%edx
  41:   89 75 fc                mov    %esi,-0x4(%ebp)
  44:   8d 75 e0                lea    -0x20(%ebp),%esi
  47:   89 75 f4                mov    %esi,-0xc(%ebp)
  4a:   0f b7 42 30             movzwl 0x30(%edx),%eax
  4e:   85 c0                   test   %eax,%eax
  50:   8b 8f 00 00 00 00       mov    0x0(%edi),%ecx   52: R_386_GOT32 lxetbn
  56:   8b 0c 81                mov    (%ecx,%eax,4),%ecx
  59:   89 4d f0                mov    %ecx,-0x10(%ebp)
  5c:   75 19                   jne    77 <lxecg2e+0x67>
  76:   c3                      ret
  77:   8b 43 18                mov    0x18(%ebx),%eax
  7a:   8d b5 08 fc ff ff       lea    -0x3f8(%ebp),%esi
  80:   68 1c 02 00 00          push   $0x21c
  85:   52                      push   %edx
  86:   56                      push   %esi
  87:   c7 00 ff ff ff ff       movl   $0xffffffff,(%eax)
  8d:   8b df                   mov    %edi,%ebx
  8f:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   90 <lxecg2e+0x80>        90: R_386_PLT32
  94:   8b 9d f8 fb ff ff       mov    -0x408(%ebp),%ebx
  9a:   8b 53 1c                mov    0x1c(%ebx),%edx
  9d:   33 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax
  9f:   52                      push   %edx
  a0:   66 89 85 38 fc ff ff    mov    %ax,-0x3c8(%ebp)
  a7:   8d 85 2c ff ff ff       lea    -0xd4(%ebp),%eax
  ad:   8b 0a                   mov    (%edx),%ecx
  af:   8d 15 00 00 00 00       lea    0x0,%edx b1: R_386_GOT32 lxecerr

That last line is the only reference to ‘lxecerr’. If the JNE at 5c only jumps
in case of an error condition, the remaining code may never get executed. But
that’s quite a lot of code up to 8b4 (including six setjmp() calls, but no
longjmp() call, so this code doesn’t smell like an error handler IMHO).

“ar x libnls12.a ; objdump -dwr *.o | egrep 'lea.*R_386_GOT32' | wc -l” prints
439. Does that grep make sense or would I need to grep for something else? How
would the correct lea instruction look like?

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