--- Comment #22 from David Ledger <davidledger at live dot> ---
Whoops. Was trying to get the data structure built at compile time.
Anyway to get it to work within windows, I tried EditBin.exe but it didn’t
work. I set the reserve stack to 512Mb.

How did you get ld. from GCC9 to work for this target?

David Ledger - Electronics Design Engineer
 Skype: david.j.ledger

From: tnfchris at sourceware dot org<>
Sent: Thursday, 13 December 2018 3:29 AM
Subject: [Bug ld/23906] LD Bug : Undocumented exit status 253;data=02%7C01%7C%7Cc2f08691526d4db6673908d6604ef4bc%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636802289560134947&amp;sdata=D7tZTAXmrosCpuTh9UOS%2BepgSt1G4ohLY0FVy5eZ6Gk%3D&amp;reserved=0

--- Comment #21 from Tamar Christina <tnfchris at sourceware dot org> ---
It seems that Nick was right that this hitting the stack limit.

The reason it's doing so is that you have a quite a lot of templates in your
C++ code.

The linker seems to segfault when it's trying to demangle this symbol

which is done in libiberty;data=02%7C01%7C%7Cc2f08691526d4db6673908d6604ef4bc%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636802289560134947&amp;sdata=%2BAiATfI%2BMDFzFiSh6FzxQhqepnlGtq280Qk3dAryqbY%3D&amp;reserved=0

This hits two VLAs expanding two structs of 16 bytes. However you have 1485065
entries in dpi.num_copy_templates

causing it to push the stack down (dpi.num_saved_scopes +
dpi.num_copy_templates) * 16 bytes. Which is 190129824 bytes, or 181mb and so
way over blowing your stack limit.

I tried with GCC 9 which seems to do a better job with the templates and it
works there. But I guess the real fix is to not use those VLAs in libiberty.

But I believe that's maintained by GCC if I'm not mistaken.

for now, you can work around it by increasing your ulimit.

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