--- Comment #4 from Ruud van der Pas <ruud.vanderpas at oracle dot com> ---
This is indeed confusing. The keyword "name" in a metrics definition is
different than the "-name" option.

As was pointed out in Bugzilla 30898, this is the correct way to include the
object name:

$ gprofng display text -name short:soname -metrics e.%totalcpu:name

For example:

$ gprofng display text -name short:soname -metrics e.%totalcpu:name

Current metrics: e.%totalcpu:name
Current Sort Metric: Exclusive Total CPU Time ( e.%totalcpu )
Functions sorted by metric: Exclusive Total CPU Time

Excl. Total    Name
 sec.      %
1.861 100.00   <Total> [<Total>]
1.771  95.16   mxv_core [<mxv-pthreads>]
0.050   2.69   drand48 [<>]
0.020   1.08   erand48_r [<>]
0.020   1.08   init_data [<mxv-pthreads>]
0.      0.     <static>@0x1de20  [<>]
0.      0.     __libc_start_call_main [<>]
0.      0.     __libc_start_main_impl [<>]
0.      0.     main [<mxv-pthreads>]
0.      0.     start_thread [<>]


I will add a clarification and example to the documentation.

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