Hi Akim,

Thanks for the response, and for all your work on Bison!

Sorry, I discovered this recently too, see 
https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2018-11/msg00042.html.  I 
don’t know whether that means I should release a 3.2.2.  WDYT?
Looks like you've just got a 3.2.2 out, so I guess the fix is there?
Does that mean that you are a user of glr.cc?  I don’t much feedback about it, 
unfortunately.  Also, I’m looking for the opinion about a proposal for GLR 
parsers: see

https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2013-02/msg00105.html and
https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bison-patches/2018-11/msg00008.html and 

Yes, indeed, we use it for the parser of the Birch probabilistic programming language (birch-lang.org). We started with the basic LALR(1) parser, but as the language has developed, a GLR parser has become necessary for our chosen syntax.

I'll have a better look at these proposals later, but yes, in general, it would be nice to be able to specify precisely where the conflicts are expected, rather than just the total number expected. When using %expect declarations, I find myself writing explanations as to where these conflicts are (see e.g. lines 84-91 here: https://github.com/lawmurray/Birch/blob/model/bi/parser.ypp), and it would be preferable for these to be formalised.



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