On OpenBSD 6.5, it compiles fine, but "make check" has 1 test failure:

Test log is attached.

   GNU Bison 3.5.91: ./test-suite.log

# TOTAL: 9
# PASS:  7
# SKIP:  1
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL:  1
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 0

.. contents:: :depth: 2

FAIL: examples/c/bistromathic/bistromathic

eff exp differ: char 1, line 1
bistromathic: FAIL: 1
bistromathic: input:
bistromathic: expected output:
bistromathic: effective output:
  > 7
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	Sun May  3 05:37:16 2020
  +++ eff	Sun May  3 05:37:16 2020
  @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
  +> 7
eff exp differ: char 1, line 1
bistromathic: FAIL: 2
bistromathic: input:
  (1+2) * 3
bistromathic: expected output:
bistromathic: effective output:
  > 9
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	Sun May  3 05:37:16 2020
  +++ eff	Sun May  3 05:37:16 2020
  @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
  +> 9
eff exp differ: char 1, line 1
bistromathic: FAIL: 3
bistromathic: input:
  (1+2) * 3
bistromathic: expected output:
bistromathic: effective output:
  > 9
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	Sun May  3 05:37:17 2020
  +++ eff	Sun May  3 05:37:17 2020
  @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
  +> 9
eff exp differ: char 1, line 1
bistromathic: FAIL: 4
bistromathic: input:
  a = 256
  sqrt (a)
bistromathic: expected output:
bistromathic: effective output:
  > 256
  > 16
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	Sun May  3 05:37:17 2020
  +++ eff	Sun May  3 05:37:17 2020
  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
  +> 256
  +> 16
eff exp differ: char 1, line 1
bistromathic: FAIL: 5
bistromathic: input:
  a = .16
  b = 10 ^ 2
  sqrt (a * b)
bistromathic: expected output:
bistromathic: effective output:
  > 0.16
  > 100
  > 4
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	Sun May  3 05:37:18 2020
  +++ eff	Sun May  3 05:37:18 2020
  @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
  +> 0.16
  +> 100
  +> 4
eff exp differ: char 1, line 1
bistromathic: FAIL: 6
bistromathic: input:
bistromathic: expected output:
  err: 1.1: syntax error: expected end of file or - or ( or exit or number or function or variable before *
bistromathic: effective output:
  > > 
  err: 1.1: syntax error: expected end of file or - or ( or exit or number or function or variable before *
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	Sun May  3 05:37:18 2020
  +++ eff	Sun May  3 05:37:19 2020
  @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
  +> > 
   err: 1.1: syntax error: expected end of file or - or ( or exit or number or function or variable before *
eff exp differ: char 1, line 1
bistromathic: FAIL: 7
bistromathic: input:
  1 + 2 * * 3
bistromathic: expected output:
  err: 1.9: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before *
bistromathic: effective output:
  > > 
  err: 1.9: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before *
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	Sun May  3 05:37:19 2020
  +++ eff	Sun May  3 05:37:19 2020
  @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
  +> > 
   err: 1.9: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before *
eff exp differ: char 1, line 1
bistromathic: FAIL: 8
bistromathic: input:
  1 / 0
bistromathic: expected output:
  err: 1.1-5: error: division by zero
bistromathic: effective output:
  > > 
  err: 1.1-5: error: division by zero
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	Sun May  3 05:37:20 2020
  +++ eff	Sun May  3 05:37:20 2020
  @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
  +> > 
   err: 1.1-5: error: division by zero
eff exp differ: char 1, line 1
bistromathic: FAIL: 9
bistromathic: input:
  ((1 ++ 2) ** 3)
  (1 ++ 2) + (3 ** 4)
bistromathic: expected output:
  err: 1.6: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before +
  err: 2.5: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before +
  err: 2.16: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before *
bistromathic: effective output:
  > 666
  > 1332
  err: 1.6: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before +
  err: 2.5: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before +
  err: 2.16: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before *
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	Sun May  3 05:37:20 2020
  +++ eff	Sun May  3 05:37:21 2020
  @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  +> 666
  +> 1332
   err: 1.6: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before +
   err: 2.5: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before +
   err: 2.16: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before *
eff exp differ: char 1, line 1
bistromathic: FAIL: 10
bistromathic: input:
bistromathic: expected output:
  err: 1.2: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before )
bistromathic: effective output:
  > 666
  err: 1.2: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before )
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	Sun May  3 05:37:21 2020
  +++ eff	Sun May  3 05:37:22 2020
  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
  +> 666
   err: 1.2: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before )
eff exp differ: char 1, line 1
bistromathic: FAIL: 11
bistromathic: input:
  100% + 10
bistromathic: expected output:
  err: 1.4: syntax error: invalid character: %
bistromathic: effective output:
  > > 
  err: 1.4: syntax error: invalid character: %
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	Sun May  3 05:37:22 2020
  +++ eff	Sun May  3 05:37:22 2020
  @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
  +> > 
   err: 1.4: syntax error: invalid character: %
eff exp differ: char 1, line 1
bistromathic: FAIL: 12
bistromathic: input:
bistromathic: expected output:
  err: Starting parse
  err: Entering state 0
  err: Stack now 0
  err: Reading a token
  err: Next token is token ( (1.1: )
  err: Shifting token ( (1.1: )
  err: Entering state 2
  err: Stack now 0 2
  err: Return for a new token:
  err: Reading a token
  err: Next token is token + (1.2: )
  err: LAC: initial context established for +
  err: LAC: checking lookahead +: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead end of file: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead +: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead -: S1
  err: LAC: checking lookahead *: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead /: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead ^: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead (: S2
  err: LAC: checking lookahead ): Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead =: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead exit: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead number: S4
  err: LAC: checking lookahead function: S5
  err: LAC: checking lookahead variable: S6
  err: LAC: checking lookahead NEG: Err
  err: 1.2: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before +
  err: LAC: initial context discarded due to error recovery
  err: Shifting token error (1.2: )
  err: Entering state 10
  err: Stack now 0 2 10
  err: Next token is token + (1.2: )
  err: LAC: initial context established for +
  err: LAC: checking lookahead +: Err
  err: Error: discarding token + (1.2: )
  err: Error: popping token error (1.2: )
  err: Stack now 0 2
  err: LAC: initial context discarded due to error recovery
  err: Shifting token error (1.2: )
  err: Entering state 10
  err: Stack now 0 2 10
  err: Return for a new token:
  err: 1.3: syntax error: invalid character: _
  err: Reading a token
  err: Error: popping token error (1.2: )
  err: Stack now 0 2
  err: Shifting token error (1.2-3: )
  err: Entering state 10
  err: Stack now 0 2 10
  err: Next token is token invalid token (1.3: )
  err: LAC: initial context established for invalid token
  err: LAC: checking lookahead invalid token: Always Err
  err: Error: discarding token invalid token (1.3: )
  err: Error: popping token error (1.2-3: )
  err: Stack now 0 2
  err: LAC: initial context discarded due to error recovery
  err: Shifting token error (1.2-3: )
  err: Entering state 10
  err: Stack now 0 2 10
  err: Return for a new token:
  err: Reading a token
  err: Next token is token ) (1.4: )
  err: Shifting token ) (1.4: )
  err: Entering state 20
  err: Stack now 0 2 10 20
  err: Reducing stack by rule XX (line XXX):
  err:    $1 = token ( (1.1: )
  err:    $2 = token error (1.2-3: )
  err:    $3 = token ) (1.4: )
  err: -> $$ = nterm exp (1.1-4: 666)
  err: Entering state 7
  err: Stack now 0 7
  err: Return for a new token:
  err: Reading a token
  err: Now at end of input.
  err: LAC: initial context established for end of file
  err: LAC: checking lookahead end of file: R2 G8 S19
  err: Reducing stack by rule XX (line XXX):
  err:    $1 = nterm exp (1.1-4: 666)
  err: -> $$ = nterm input (1.1-4: )
  err: Entering state 8
  err: Stack now 0 8
  err: Now at end of input.
  err: Shifting token end of file (1.5: )
  err: LAC: initial context discarded due to shift
  err: Entering state 19
  err: Stack now 0 8 19
  err: Stack now 0 8 19
  err: Cleanup: popping token end of file (1.5: )
  err: Cleanup: popping nterm input (1.1-4: )
bistromathic: effective output:
  > 666
  err: Starting parse
  err: Entering state 0
  err: Stack now 0
  err: Reading a token
  err: Next token is token ( (1.1: )
  err: Shifting token ( (1.1: )
  err: Entering state 2
  err: Stack now 0 2
  err: Return for a new token:
  err: Reading a token
  err: Next token is token + (1.2: )
  err: LAC: initial context established for +
  err: LAC: checking lookahead +: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead end of file: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead +: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead -: S1
  err: LAC: checking lookahead *: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead /: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead ^: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead (: S2
  err: LAC: checking lookahead ): Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead =: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead exit: Err
  err: LAC: checking lookahead number: S4
  err: LAC: checking lookahead function: S5
  err: LAC: checking lookahead variable: S6
  err: LAC: checking lookahead NEG: Err
  err: 1.2: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before +
  err: LAC: initial context discarded due to error recovery
  err: Shifting token error (1.2: )
  err: Entering state 10
  err: Stack now 0 2 10
  err: Next token is token + (1.2: )
  err: LAC: initial context established for +
  err: LAC: checking lookahead +: Err
  err: Error: discarding token + (1.2: )
  err: Error: popping token error (1.2: )
  err: Stack now 0 2
  err: LAC: initial context discarded due to error recovery
  err: Shifting token error (1.2: )
  err: Entering state 10
  err: Stack now 0 2 10
  err: Return for a new token:
  err: 1.3: syntax error: invalid character: _
  err: Reading a token
  err: Error: popping token error (1.2: )
  err: Stack now 0 2
  err: Shifting token error (1.2-3: )
  err: Entering state 10
  err: Stack now 0 2 10
  err: Next token is token invalid token (1.3: )
  err: LAC: initial context established for invalid token
  err: LAC: checking lookahead invalid token: Always Err
  err: Error: discarding token invalid token (1.3: )
  err: Error: popping token error (1.2-3: )
  err: Stack now 0 2
  err: LAC: initial context discarded due to error recovery
  err: Shifting token error (1.2-3: )
  err: Entering state 10
  err: Stack now 0 2 10
  err: Return for a new token:
  err: Reading a token
  err: Next token is token ) (1.4: )
  err: Shifting token ) (1.4: )
  err: Entering state 20
  err: Stack now 0 2 10 20
  err: Reducing stack by rule XX (line XXX):
  err:    $1 = token ( (1.1: )
  err:    $2 = token error (1.2-3: )
  err:    $3 = token ) (1.4: )
  err: -> $$ = nterm exp (1.1-4: 666)
  err: Entering state 7
  err: Stack now 0 7
  err: Return for a new token:
  err: Reading a token
  err: Now at end of input.
  err: LAC: initial context established for end of file
  err: LAC: checking lookahead end of file: R2 G8 S19
  err: Reducing stack by rule XX (line XXX):
  err:    $1 = nterm exp (1.1-4: 666)
  err: -> $$ = nterm input (1.1-4: )
  err: Entering state 8
  err: Stack now 0 8
  err: Now at end of input.
  err: Shifting token end of file (1.5: )
  err: LAC: initial context discarded due to shift
  err: Entering state 19
  err: Stack now 0 8 19
  err: Stack now 0 8 19
  err: Cleanup: popping token end of file (1.5: )
  err: Cleanup: popping nterm input (1.1-4: )
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	Sun May  3 05:37:23 2020
  +++ eff	Sun May  3 05:37:23 2020
  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
  +> 666
   err: Starting parse
   err: Entering state 0
   err: Stack now 0
SKIP: this is not the GNU Readline we expect
FAIL examples/c/bistromathic/bistromathic.test (exit status: 1)

SKIP: examples/c/reccalc/reccalc

../examples/test: ../../examples/c/reccalc/reccalc.test[18]: seq: not found
SKIP examples/c/reccalc/reccalc.test (exit status: 77)

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