Testsuite for GNU Bison 3.6 fails on

bistromathic: PASS: 12
checking for kernel name
bistromathic: FAIL: 13

See attached test-suite.log

Regards Klaus
   GNU Bison 3.6: ./test-suite.log

# TOTAL: 13
# PASS:  12
# SKIP:  0
# XFAIL: 0
# FAIL:  1
# XPASS: 0
# ERROR: 0

.. contents:: :depth: 2

FAIL: examples/c/bistromathic/bistromathic

checking for diff --strip-trailing-cr
checking for readline output
bistromathic: PASS: 1
bistromathic: PASS: 2
bistromathic: PASS: 3
bistromathic: PASS: 4
bistromathic: PASS: 5
bistromathic: PASS: 6
bistromathic: PASS: 7
bistromathic: PASS: 8
bistromathic: PASS: 9
bistromathic: PASS: 10
bistromathic: PASS: 11
bistromathic: PASS: 12
checking for kernel name
bistromathic: FAIL: 13
bistromathic: input:
bistromathic: expected output:
  > (1+
  (       -       atan    cos     exp     ln      number  sin     sqrt
  > (1+
  err: 1.4: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before end of file
bistromathic: effective output:
  > (1+
  (       -       atan    cos     exp     ln      number  sin     sqrt    
  > (1+
  err: 1.4: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before end of file
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	2020-05-08 15:04:42.490512599 +0200
  +++ eff	2020-05-08 15:04:42.492512522 +0200
  @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   > (1+
  -(       -       atan    cos     exp     ln      number  sin     sqrt
  +(       -       atan    cos     exp     ln      number  sin     sqrt    
   > (1+
  -err: 1.4: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before end of file
  +err: 1.4: syntax error: expected - or ( or number or function or variable before end of file
bistromathic: PASS: 14
bistromathic: FAIL: 15
bistromathic: input:
bistromathic: expected output:
  > e
  end of file  exit         exp          
  > e
  err: bistromathic: effective output:
  > e
  end of file  exit         exp          
  > e
bistromathic: diff:
  --- exp	2020-05-08 15:04:42.498512291 +0200
  +++ eff	2020-05-08 15:04:42.499512253 +0200
  @@ -3,4 +3,3 @@
   > e
  \ No newline at end of file
FAIL examples/c/bistromathic/bistromathic.test (exit status: 1)

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