Hi Domingo,

> Le 3 nov. 2021 à 19:27, Domingo Alvarez Duarte <mingo...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hello !
> I'm trying to build the CFRONT parser

Wow...  I was unaware cfront still existed.

> with bison instead of byacc and I've got bison to accept the grammar 
> https://github.com/mingodad/cfront-3/blob/master/src/gram.y but the generated 
> parser by bison has a small difference in the conflicts found in the grammar 
> (see bellow)

That's an interesting finding, thanks for reporting it!

FWIW, I believe we will change the way conflicts are counted in Bison.  I don't 
know when, and backward compatibility will have to be taken into account, but 
it was found that Bison disagrees with Bison.  Indeed, when looking for 
counterexamples and when merely counting the number of conflicts, we don't get 
the same results, and the latter should comply with the former.  See 

> cfront-3/src$ bison -y gram.y
> gram.y: warning: 20 shift/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-sr]
> gram.y: warning: 4 reduce/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-rr]
> cfront-3/srv$ byacc gram.y
> byacc: 21 shift/reduce conflicts, 3 reduce/reduce conflicts.

I have not tried to compare the SR conflicts (the automata are very similar, 
but the state numbers are different and I don't feel like tracking the 
correspondance right now).  But the RR conflicted state where Bison and Byacc 
differ is:

In Bison (very verbose mode, including counterexamples)

> State 101
>    57 tname: . qualified_tname
>    58      | . qualified_tname lt temp_inst_parms gt
>    59      | . NAME lt temp_inst_parms gt
>   174 scope_qualifiers: . tn_list
>   175 tn_list: . tscope
>   176        | . tn_list tscope
>   177 qualified_tname: . tn_list TNAME
>   178                | . TNAME
>   188 decl: tname LP . MUL ID RP arg_list
>   189     | tname LP . AND ID RP arg_list
>   190     | tname LP . elist RP
>   191     | tname LP . RP fct_attributes
>   192     | tname LP . MEMPTR decl RP arg_list
>   266 elist: . ex_list
>   267 ex_list: . initializer
>   268        | . ex_list CM initializer
>   269 initializer: . e
>   270            | . LC elist RC
>   296 e: . e ASSIGN e
>   297  | . e PLUS e
>   298  | . e MINUS e
>   299  | . e MUL e
>   300  | . e AND e
>   301  | . e OR e
>   302  | . e ER e
>   303  | . e SHIFTOP e
>   304  | . e EQUOP e
>   305  | . e DIVOP e
>   306  | . e RELOP e
>   307  | . e LT e
>   308  | . e GT e
>   309  | . e ANDAND e
>   310  | . e OROR e
>   311  | . e ASOP e
>   312  | . e CM e
>   313  | . e QUEST e COLON e
>   314  | . e REFMUL e
>   315  | . DELETE term
>   316  | . DELETE LB e RB term
>   317  | . MEM DELETE term
>   318  | . MEM DELETE LB e RB term
>   319  | . term
>   320  | . THROW term
>   321  | %empty .  [RP, LT, GT, ER, OR, ANDAND, OROR, QUEST, ASSIGN, CM, 
>   322 term: . NEW cast_type
>   323     | . NEW new_type
>   324     | . MEM NEW cast_type
>   325     | . MEM NEW new_type
>   326     | . term ICOP
>   327     | . cast_type term
>   328     | . MUL term
>   329     | . AND term
>   330     | . MINUS term
>   331     | . PLUS term
>   332     | . NOT term
>   333     | . COMPL term
>   334     | . ICOP term
>   335     | . SIZEOF term
>   336     | . SIZEOF cast_type
>   337     | . term LB e RB
>   338     | . term REF prim
>   339     | . term REF MEMQ prim
>   340     | . term REF MEMQ TNAME
>   341     | . term REF dtorspec
>   342     | . term REF scope_qualifiers prim
>   343     | . term REF scope_qualifiers TNAME
>   344     | . term DOT prim
>   345     | . term DOT MEMQ prim
>   346     | . term DOT MEMQ TNAME
>   347     | . term DOT dtorspec
>   348     | . term DOT scope_qualifiers prim
>   349     | . term DOT scope_qualifiers TNAME
>   350     | . prim
>   351     | . scope_qualifiers prim
>   352     | . tn_list COMPL tag
>   353     | . tn_list COMPL TYPE
>   354     | . term_elist
>   355     | . term_lp e RP
>   356     | . ZERO
>   357     | . ICON
>   358     | . FCON
>   359     | . STRING
>   360     | . CCON
>   361     | . THIS
>   370 term_elist: . TYPE LP elist RP
>   371           | . tname LP elist RP
>   372           | . NEW term_lp elist RP cast_type
>   373           | . NEW term_lp elist RP new_type
>   374           | . MEM NEW term_lp elist RP cast_type
>   375           | . MEM NEW term_lp elist RP new_type
>   376           | . term LP elist RP
>   377 ptname: . PTNAME lt temp_inst_parms gt
>   378 tscope: . TSCOPE
>   379       | . MEM
>   380       | . ptname TSCOPE
>   381 prim: . ID
>   382     | . OPERATOR oper
>   383     | . OPERATOR c_type
>   384 cast_type: . term_lp type cast_decl RP
>   385 term_lp: . LP
>   395 arg_lp: LP .  [ENUM, RP, CM, NAME, TYPE, TNAME, ELLIPSIS, AGGR, MEM, 
>     DELETE    shift, and go to state 154
>     NEW       shift, and go to state 155
>     OPERATOR  shift, and go to state 156
>     SIZEOF    shift, and go to state 157
>     THIS      shift, and go to state 158
>     LP        shift, and go to state 159
>     RP        shift, and go to state 195
>     NOT       shift, and go to state 160
>     COMPL     shift, and go to state 161
>     MUL       shift, and go to state 196
>     AND       shift, and go to state 197
>     PLUS      shift, and go to state 164
>     MINUS     shift, and go to state 165
>     LC        shift, and go to state 198
>     ID        shift, and go to state 166
>     STRING    shift, and go to state 167
>     ICON      shift, and go to state 168
>     FCON      shift, and go to state 169
>     CCON      shift, and go to state 170
>     NAME      shift, and go to state 12
>     ZERO      shift, and go to state 171
>     ICOP      shift, and go to state 172
>     THROW     shift, and go to state 174
>     MEMPTR    shift, and go to state 200
>     PTNAME    shift, and go to state 22
>     ENUM         reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)
>     RP           [reduce using rule 321 (e)]
>     RP           [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]
>     CM           reduce using rule 321 (e)
>     CM           [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]
>     NAME         [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]
>     TYPE         reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)
>     TNAME        reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)
>     ELLIPSIS     reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)
>     AGGR         reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)
>     MEM          reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)
>     TSCOPE       reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)
>     DECL_MARKER  reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)
>     LINKAGE      reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)
>     PTNAME       [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]
>     $default     reduce using rule 321 (e)
>     tname             go to state 201
>     scope_qualifiers  go to state 182
>     tn_list           go to state 202
>     qualified_tname   go to state 39
>     elist             go to state 203
>     ex_list           go to state 204
>     initializer       go to state 205
>     e                 go to state 206
>     term              go to state 185
>     term_elist        go to state 186
>     ptname            go to state 53
>     tscope            go to state 42
>     prim              go to state 187
>     cast_type         go to state 188
>     term_lp           go to state 189
>     Conflict between rule 321 and token MUL resolved as shift (NO_EXPR < MUL).
>     Conflict between rule 321 and token AND resolved as shift (NO_EXPR < AND).
>     Conflict between rule 321 and token PLUS resolved as shift (NO_EXPR < 
> PLUS).
>     Conflict between rule 321 and token MINUS resolved as shift (NO_EXPR < 
>     Conflict between rule 395 and token TYPE resolved as reduce (TYPE < LP).
>     Conflict between rule 395 and token TNAME resolved as reduce (TNAME < LP).
>     Conflict between rule 395 and token MEM resolved as reduce (%left MEM).
>     Conflict between rule 395 and token TSCOPE resolved as reduce (TSCOPE < 
> LP).
>     shift/reduce conflict on token RP:
>       321 e: %empty .
>       191 decl: tname LP . RP fct_attributes
>       Example: tname LP . RP
>       Shift derivation
>         decl
>         `-> 191: tname LP . RP fct_attributes
>                                `-> 191: %empty
>       Example: tname LP . RP
>       Reduce derivation
>         decl
>         `-> 190: tname LP elist                                        RP
>                           `-> 266: ex_list
>                                    `-> 267: initializer
>                                             `-> 269: e
>                                                      `-> 321: %empty .
>     reduce/reduce conflict on tokens RP, CM:
>       321 e: %empty .
>       395 arg_lp: LP .
>       Example: tname LP . RP
>       First reduce derivation
>         decl
>         `-> 190: tname LP elist                                        RP
>                           `-> 266: ex_list
>                                    `-> 267: initializer
>                                             `-> 269: e
>                                                      `-> 321: %empty .
>       Example: tname LP . RP
>       Second reduce derivation
>         decl
>         `-> 186: tname arg_list
>                        `-> 396: arg_lp        arg_type_list   ellipsis_opt    
> RP fct_attributes
>                                 `-> 395: LP . `-> 396: %empty `-> 396: %empty 
>    `-> 396: %empty
>     shift/reduce conflict on token RP:
>       395 arg_lp: LP .
>       191 decl: tname LP . RP fct_attributes
>       Example: tname LP . RP
>       Shift derivation
>         decl
>         `-> 191: tname LP . RP fct_attributes
>                                `-> 191: %empty
>       Example: tname LP . RP
>       Reduce derivation
>         decl
>         `-> 186: tname arg_list
>                        `-> 396: arg_lp        arg_type_list   ellipsis_opt    
> RP fct_attributes
>                                 `-> 395: LP . `-> 396: %empty `-> 396: %empty 
>    `-> 396: %empty
>     shift/reduce conflict on token NAME:
>       395 arg_lp: LP .
>        59 tname: . NAME lt temp_inst_parms gt
>       First example: tname LP . NAME lt temp_inst_parms gt LP elist RP RP 
> ASSIGN initializer SM EOFTOK
>       Shift derivation
>         $accept
>         `-> 0: ext_def                                                        
>                             EOFTOK
>                `-> 1: external_def
>                       `-> 21: fct_dcl
>                               `-> 23: decl                                    
>       ASSIGN initializer SM
>                                       `-> 190: tname LP elist                 
>    RP
>                                                         `-> 266: ex_list
>                                                                  `-> 267: 
> initializer
>                                                                           `-> 
> 269: e
>      `-> 319: term
>               `-> 354: term_elist
>                        `-> 371: tname                                LP elist 
> RP
>                                 `-> 59: . NAME lt temp_inst_parms gt
>       Second example: tname LP . NAME lt temp_inst_parms gt arg_decl 
> ellipsis_opt RP fct_attributes arg_dcl_list check_inline @5 base_init block 
>       Reduce derivation
>         $accept
>         `-> 0: ext_def                                                        
>      EOFTOK
>                `-> 1: external_def
>                       `-> 20: fct_def
>                               `-> 30: decl                                    
>                                       arg_dcl_list check_inline @5 base_init 
> block
>                                       `-> 186: tname arg_list
>                                                      `-> 396: arg_lp        
> arg_type_list                                                                 
>          ellipsis_opt RP fct_attributes
>                                                               `-> 395: LP . 
> `-> 398: at
>        `-> 399: arg_type
>                 `-> 392: type                                               
> arg_decl
>                          `-> 67: tp
>                                  `-> 62: tname
>                                          `-> 59: NAME lt temp_inst_parms gt
>     shift/reduce conflict on token PTNAME:
>       395 arg_lp: LP .
>       377 ptname: . PTNAME lt temp_inst_parms gt
>       First example: tname LP . PTNAME lt temp_inst_parms gt TSCOPE COMPL tag 
> RP ASSIGN initializer SM EOFTOK
>       Shift derivation
>         $accept
>         `-> 0: ext_def                                                        
>                                              EOFTOK
>                `-> 1: external_def
>                       `-> 21: fct_dcl
>                               `-> 23: decl                                    
>                        ASSIGN initializer SM
>                                       `-> 190: tname LP elist                 
>                     RP
>                                                         `-> 266: ex_list
>                                                                  `-> 267: 
> initializer
>                                                                           `-> 
> 269: e
>      `-> 319: term
>               `-> 352: tn_list                                                
>           COMPL tag
>                        `-> 175: tscope
>                                 `-> 380: ptname                               
>                                          `-> 377: . PTNAME lt temp_inst_parms 
> gt
>       Second example: tname LP . PTNAME lt temp_inst_parms gt TSCOPE 
> DECL_MARKER arg_decl ellipsis_opt RP fct_attributes arg_dcl_list check_inline 
> @5 base_init block EOFTOK
>       Reduce derivation
>         $accept
>         `-> 0: ext_def                                                        
>                                              EOFTOK
>                `-> 1: external_def
>                       `-> 20: fct_def
>                               `-> 30: decl                                    
> arg_dcl_list check_inline @5 base_init block
>                                       `-> 186: tname arg_list
>                                                      `-> 396: arg_lp        
> arg_type_list                                                                 
>                                                  ellipsis_opt RP 
> fct_attributes
>                                                               `-> 395: LP . 
> `-> 398: at
>        `-> 399: arg_type
>                 `-> 392: type                                                 
>                                       arg_decl
>                          `-> 67: tp
>                                  `-> 63: tn_list                              
>                           DECL_MARKER
>                                          `-> 175: tscope
>                                                   `-> 380: ptname             
>                    TSCOPE
>                                                            `-> 377: PTNAME lt 
> temp_inst_parms gt

The disable reductions are:

>     RP           [reduce using rule 321 (e)]
>     RP           [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]
>     CM           [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]
>     NAME         [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]
>     PTNAME       [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]

If we focus on the actions on these lookaheads, we have:

>     RP        shift, and go to state 195

>     RP        shift, and go to state 195
>     NAME      shift, and go to state 12
>     PTNAME    shift, and go to state 22
>     RP           [reduce using rule 321 (e)]
>     RP           [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]
>     CM           reduce using rule 321 (e)
>     CM           [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]
>     NAME         [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]
>     PTNAME       [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]

So we can see an "easy" RR conflict here:

>     CM           reduce using rule 321 (e)
>     CM           [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]

But I agree with Bison that there is a second conflict:

>     RP           [reduce using rule 321 (e)]
>     RP           [reduce using rule 395 (arg_lp)]

It turns out that both of them are also involved in a SR conflict with the 
shift action on RP, but I fail to see how this would not be a RR conflict.

BTW, counterexample generation "factors" these two conflicts into a single item:

>     reduce/reduce conflict on tokens RP, CM:

Byacc's verbose output is:

> 131: shift/reduce conflict (shift 231, reduce 321) on RP
> 131: shift/reduce conflict (shift 231, reduce 395) on RP
> 131: reduce/reduce conflict (reduce 321, reduce 395) on CM
> 131: shift/reduce conflict (shift 12, reduce 395) on NAME
> 131: shift/reduce conflict (shift 22, reduce 395) on PTNAME
> state 131
>       decl : tname LP . MUL ID RP arg_list  (188)
>       decl : tname LP . AND ID RP arg_list  (189)
>       decl : tname LP . elist RP  (190)
>       decl : tname LP . RP fct_attributes  (191)
>       decl : tname LP . MEMPTR decl RP arg_list  (192)
>       arg_lp : LP .  (395)
>       e : .  (321)
>       DELETE  shift 153
>       NEW  shift 154
>       OPERATOR  shift 155
>       SIZEOF  shift 156
>       THIS  shift 157
>       LP  shift 158
>       RP  shift 231
>       NOT  shift 159
>       COMPL  shift 160
>       MUL  shift 232
>       AND  shift 233
>       PLUS  shift 163
>       MINUS  shift 164
>       LC  shift 214
>       ID  shift 165
>       STRING  shift 166
>       ICON  shift 167
>       FCON  shift 168
>       CCON  shift 169
>       NAME  shift 12
>       ZERO  shift 170
>       ICOP  shift 171
>       THROW  shift 173
>       MEMPTR  shift 234
>       PTNAME  shift 22
>       ENUM  reduce 395
>       LT  reduce 321
>       GT  reduce 321
>       ER  reduce 321
>       OR  reduce 321
>       ANDAND  reduce 321
>       OROR  reduce 321
>       QUEST  reduce 321
>       ASSIGN  reduce 321
>       CM  reduce 321
>       ASOP  reduce 321
>       RELOP  reduce 321
>       EQUOP  reduce 321
>       DIVOP  reduce 321
>       SHIFTOP  reduce 321
>       TYPE  reduce 395
>       TNAME  reduce 395
>       ELLIPSIS  reduce 395
>       AGGR  reduce 395
>       MEM  reduce 395
>       TSCOPE  reduce 395
>       DECL_MARKER  reduce 395
>       REFMUL  reduce 321
>       LINKAGE  reduce 395
>       initializer  goto 223
>       ex_list  goto 224
>       elist  goto 235
>       e  goto 216
>       term  goto 178
>       prim  goto 179
>       term_elist  goto 180
>       cast_type  goto 181
>       tscope  goto 37
>       tn_list  goto 196
>       scope_qualifiers  goto 184
>       qualified_tname  goto 40
>       tname  goto 197
>       ptname  goto 53
>       term_lp  goto 188

Since it does not display the disabled actions, I can't tell how it's counting. 

> 131: reduce/reduce conflict (reduce 321, reduce 395) on CM

should also apply to RP, and that would make two RR conflicts, not just one.

A scaled down grammar showing a similar issue is

> %%
> exp: a 'x' | b 'x' | a 'y' | b 'y' | 'a' 'x' 'y'
> a: 'a'
> b: 'a'

where Bison diagnoses 1 SR and 2 RR but generates counterexamples for 2 SR and 
1 RR (on two tokens):

> State 1
>     5 exp: 'a' . 'x' 'y'
>     6 a: 'a' .  ['x', 'y']
>     7 b: 'a' .  ['x', 'y']
>     'x'  shift, and go to state 5
>     'x'       [reduce using rule 6 (a)]
>     'x'       [reduce using rule 7 (b)]
>     'y'       reduce using rule 6 (a)
>     'y'       [reduce using rule 7 (b)]
>     $default  reduce using rule 6 (a)
>     shift/reduce conflict on token 'x':
>         6 a: 'a' .
>         5 exp: 'a' . 'x' 'y'
>       First example: 'a' . 'x' 'y' $end
>       Shift derivation
>         $accept
>         `-> 0: exp                  $end
>                `-> 5: 'a' . 'x' 'y'
>       Second example: 'a' . 'x' $end
>       Reduce derivation
>         $accept
>         `-> 0: exp                     $end
>                `-> 1: a            'x'
>                       `-> 6: 'a' .
>     reduce/reduce conflict on tokens 'x', 'y':
>         6 a: 'a' .
>         7 b: 'a' .
>       Example: 'a' . 'x'
>       First reduce derivation
>         exp
>         `-> 1: a            'x'
>                `-> 6: 'a' .
>       Example: 'a' . 'x'
>       Second reduce derivation
>         exp
>         `-> 2: b            'x'
>                `-> 7: 'a' .
>     shift/reduce conflict on token 'x':
>         7 b: 'a' .
>         5 exp: 'a' . 'x' 'y'
>       First example: 'a' . 'x' 'y' $end
>       Shift derivation
>         $accept
>         `-> 0: exp                  $end
>                `-> 5: 'a' . 'x' 'y'
>       Second example: 'a' . 'x' $end
>       Reduce derivation
>         $accept
>         `-> 0: exp                     $end
>                `-> 2: b            'x'
>                       `-> 7: 'a' .

and byacc generates

> 1: shift/reduce conflict (shift 5, reduce 6) on 'x'
> 1: shift/reduce conflict (shift 5, reduce 7) on 'x'
> 1: reduce/reduce conflict (reduce 6, reduce 7) on 'y'
> state 1
>         exp : 'a' . 'x' 'y'  (5)
>         a : 'a' .  (6)
>         b : 'a' .  (7)
>         'x'  shift 5
>         'y'  reduce 6

It does not count the RR conflict on 'x'.


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