3.7.14 %define Summary

Suppose there is a directive "a.b.c" that has a value, then often these things are missing:
1: If the directive is not used, what is the default value?
2: If %define a.b.c         is entered, what is the default value?
3: if %define a.b.c "value" is entered, what are the legal values for value?
4: if %define a.b.c {value} is entered, what are the legal values for value?

To specify there is no default value implies the directive is required. The intent of this section seems to be that the directives are all optional. This means that if a directive is not supplied some default is used. The default may be nothing (nil, "", ...), but this is still a default.

If an error in processing a directive is found, what action is taken:
1: Is Bison processing halted?
2: Is a diagnostic message issued, Bison processing continues but generation of a parser terminated? 3: Is a diagnostic message issued, Bison processing continues and generation of a parser continues with some default supplied for the incorrect directive?
4: Or some other action taken?

Often when <file>, file, filename is used what is meant is <path>/filename. The discussion of filename appears to be a discussion of <path>, things such as relative path and absolute path do not exist for a filename. Could this be corrected in future Bison documentation?

Different means of describing the name of the generated parser file and it's header are used. Would it be possible to make this uniform throughout this document? For example, sometimes "basename.<ext>" is used and has been identified as being the actual output of the parser files. Could this be used throughout?

Some directives change the behavior of Bison, some directives alter the form of the Bison generated parser, and some directives have no effect on Bison but are just inserted into the generated parser. Would it be useful to specify this in the directive descriptions? It is done in some cases as an artifact of the description, but not as a separate attribute.

Can I do a "%define dedicated_directive value" as well as %"dedicated_directive"?    What/where are the lists of "dedicated directives"? Can you hyperlink to this list?

"What variables are accepted, as well as their meanings and default values, depend on the selected target language and/or the parser skeleton (see Bison Declaration Summary, see Bison Declaration Summary). "

   Does this apply to Boolean variables? If it does it may be better to move this statement to precede the Boolean Variables. If it does not, since a Boolean Variable is a variable, what does "variable" mean in this context.

   What do you mean by "accept"? How can something be not accepted? Are you saying that a user can put an incorrect value in for a variable and that this value is rejected?

   "(see Bison Declaration Summary, see Bison Declaration Summary))" should be changed to "(see Bison Declaration Summary)"

In C/C++ and Java (I don't know D) the format a.b.c has a well-defined meaning. It is nowhere defined what meaning this syntax has in Bison. If you mean that "a.b.c" implies that "a" has members, one of which is "b" and that "b" has members, one of which is "c" then I think this should be mentioned somewhere. Then a user can infer that, e.g., for "api.", that api has more than 1 subordinate variable or variable category.

Directive: %define api.filename.type {type}

   Only one value seems to be defined this value does not seem to have any code component in the generated code (see Purpose).

   What is the purpose of this variable? In what context is it used? Is it possible to provide a rationale and an example?

   The hyperlink in Purpose, Exposing the Location Classes, does not clarify the meaniing of a file type. Where does the api.filename.type go?

   Accepted Values: Why is compatibility with '=' and "!=" an issue? Can an example and/or additional explanations be given?

   Constraints: Are there any constraints? For exemple, can <type> int be successfully used? Does the undervailing type have to derived from a string?

Directive: %define api.header.include {"header.h"}
Directive: %define api.header.include {<header.h>}

   Language(s): Shouldn't C++ be included?

      "In all cases where y.tab is an issue", could you provide a hyperlink to the appropriate forward reference?

      "...generated a header and pasted an exact copy of it into the generated parser..."     do you mean generated a #include "filename.h" or do you mean generated an include file and copied the include file contents into the generated parser? I assume the former.

   "The api.header.include variable allows to control how.." it might be better to say "The api.header.include variable allows control of how...".

   "Using api.header.include does not change the name of the generated header, only how it is included." I assume you mean "basename.h" for the name of the generated header. If this is accurate, could you hange "parser.h" to "basename.h"? If this is not accurate, could you explane what is meant?

   Default Value: ‘"header-basename"’
      It seems that the name of this file can be any one of "basename.h", "parser.h", "header-basename". Could this section be improved if the name of this file were made consistent?

Directive: %define api.location.file "file"
Directive: %define api.location.file none
    Purpose: Define the name of the file"
      Don't you mean path and file? The hyperlinked reference showing an example of use has "<path>/filename".

    Accept: none
      Is there any difference between not using this directive and including this directive with a "none" option? In either case, shouldn't this be mentioned?

      "...otherwise in the parser implementation" Shouldn't this be the Bison generated parser file?

   Accept: "file"
      Filenames are neither relative nor absolute. This applies to paths. Should the text be altered to identify that the path can be relative or absolute?

      Are there any constraints on "file", for example, does "file" have to be a legal <path>/filename in the current operating system?

   Default Value: Not applicable.
      Isn't the description indicate what the default is?

   What happens if this directive is used and %locations is not specified, is it ignored, a warning or error issued?

Directive: %define api.location.include {"file"}
Directive: %define api.location.include {<file>}

   I am confused between the difference and use of api.location.file and this. Does apo.location.file specify <path>/filename and this directive specify "include "<path>/filename"? What happens if they differ, as in api.location.file "mimi/location.hh" and api.location.include {george/location.hh}? What happens if there is a difference between -output=mimi/parser.cc and api.location.include {"george"/location.hh"}?

   Shouldn't perser.cc be changed to basename.cc to be consistent with other referencs to the generated output parser include file and source file?

Directive: %define api.location.type {type}

   Languages: Java
   Java doesn't have a typedef. The example given in 3.5.1 Data Type of Locations is unimplementable in Java. Since this is meant for Java, and example and explanation would be uservul

      The examples given in 3.5.1 Data Type of Locations and User Defined Location Type don't seem to describe how to do anything. in 3.5.1 Data Type it is proabably sutable to change the example given to something like:

      typedef struct newType
         int first_line;
         int first_column;
         int last_line;
         int last_column;
      } newType;

      or something which you find more appropriately represents intent.

      As a nit, {location_t} is used in 3.5.1 Data Type of Locations and {locatioTtype} is used in User Defined Location Type. Between these tww there is an inconsitent use of a different names for the same thing, and the use of underscores is not consistentl

      Accepted Values: String
      Is "_&13NFO" an accetable value? If not then some constraints are needed.

      Default Value: none
      Isn't YYLTYPE the default value?

Directive: %define api.namespace {namespace}

   Accepted Values: Any absolute or relative ...
      What's a relative namespace? See https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/namespace

Directive: %define api.prefix {prefix}

   Since there are 3 api.[...].prefix directives {%define api.prefix, %define api.symbol.prefix, %define api.token.prefix {prefix}}, wouldn't it be more consistent if this was renamed to "%define api.export.prefix", or if alphabetic order is important, to rename all to {api.prefix.export, api.prefixsymbol, api.prefix.token}?

   Accepted Values: String
      Shouldn't this be an accepted identifier prefix?

Directive: %define api.pure purity

   "I.e., if ‘%locations %define api.pure’"
      Can you put two (or more) directives on the same line? Would you specify the delimeters which identify gthe end of one directive and the beginning of another? If %token is a dedicated directive, or some other (unspecified) tyhpe of directive, are these delimieters to same for a single, multi-line %token statement (see 3.7.2 Token Kind Names)>

   Default Value: false
      Is this a contradiction to
      Accepted Balues: "The value may be omitted: this is equivalent to specifying tru"?
      Is a missing value the same as a default value?

Directive: %define api.symbol.prefix {prefix} ¶

   There is no definition of "symbol kind" up to this point? What is a symbol kind and can yuo distinguish this to an "exported symbol" mentioned in %define api.prefix {prefix}? If there is an existing talbe for either exported symbol or symbol kind, coud a hyperlink to this table be provided?

   Accepted Values: Any non empty string.
      Ypu have conradicted the "Any" in the very next sentence. The only valid prefix values are identifiers in the languagae of choice. An empty string is not legal in any language that I am aware of (Ada, Algol, Bison, C/C++, COBOL, CSS, Fortran, GPSS, HTML, Lisp, MAD, Modula, Prolog, PL/I, Pascal, Simscript, Snobol), so saying it must be a legal identifier excludes the empty string.

Directive: %define api.token.constructor
   Purpose: Request that symbols be handled as a whole (type, value, and possibly location) in the scanner.       What does this mean? What is a "whole"? If by scanner do you mean lexer? If it is the lexer could you use lexer instead of scanner? If it is not the lexer, could you provide a hyperlink to where this is defined? I note  here that 10.1.7 C++ Scanner Interface seems to call the lexer (yylex) the scanner. Parenthetically, how does the lexer handle a non-whole type?

Directive: %define api.token.raw
      No definition of 'scanner' has been provided in this manual. For uniform use it is recommended that a definition of scanner be provided in a prominent place, or that all instances of scanner be replaced by 'yylex' or lexor with a defnition specifying that for this documen the lexer implementation is yylex.

      In 3.7.2 Token Kind Names there is no mention of the relation between token codes and 257. It is best to make this number obvious and useful by provided its definition, use, and cautions in 3.7.2. It is hidden here and auser would not come across it except by accident.

   Accepted Value: Boolean
      The directive has no value. The definitino should be changed to "%define api.token.raw boolean", or an appropriate equivalent.

Directive: %define api.value.automove

   Accepted Value: Boolean
      The directive has no value. The definitino should be changed to "%define api.token.raw boolean", or an appropriate equivalent.

Directive: %define api.value.type support
Directive: %define api.value.type {type}

   Accepted VAlues:
      Is there an order relationship that has to be preserved in using these directives., for example in union-directive, %union follows the directive, and in variant the sruct precedes the directive.

      There is no variant dedicated directive or defined directeive, but there is a union dedicated directive. Will there be a variant dedicated directive in the future or the removal of a %union dedicated directive or status quo ante?

      The variant example shows the us of a union, not a variant, see https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/variant. Eill s variant example be provided?

   Default VAlue: Undefined
      What does 'undefined' mean? How are the issues addressed in this definition addressed if the directive is not used?

Directive: %define api.value.union.name name

      Where is 'name' used? The text references 'id' but nowhere references 'name'. Plase provide some verbiage that specifies where 'name' is  used.The implication is that 'name' is a selection amongst several choices, see %define api.push-pull kind. Since there is only one choice wouldn't it be better to not have 'name'. However, if this thing is supposed to be an identifier, t hen the syntax given in 3.7.14 requires that this directive be %define api.value.union.name "name".

Directive: %define parse.assert

   Accepted Values: Boolean
      The format of the define does not allow for a value. It should be "%define parse.asser value", see 3.7.14 %define Summary.

Directive: %define parse.trace

   Accepted Values: Boolean
      The format of the define does not allow for a value. It should be "%define parse.asser value", see 3.7.14 %define Summary.

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