
I come over via https://github.com/onetrueawk/awk/issues/228.
For years the nawk build causes terminal mess in the unshare(1)d
fakeroot(1) package build environment of the Linux distro i use
(CRUX; sh(1) based).  It looks like that:

  bison -d  awkgram.y
  awkgram.yawkgram.y: : warning:warning:3399;49m;49m  62 shift/reduce 
conflicts62 shift/reduce conflicts [ [
  7 reduce/reduce conflicts] 
  awkgram.y: note:note: erun with option '-Wcounterexamples' to generate 
  39;49m rerun with option '-Wcounterexamples' to generate conflict 
  cc -g -Wall -pedantic -Wcast-qual   -O2   -c -o [.]

From warning:warning it is purple, from note:note turquoise, then
purple, then .. etc.  The terminal is not properly restored,
i need to do "tput reset" to see the cursor again.  The screen is
flushed, ie cleared initially, too.
Note that if i do ls(1) --color=yes in the same environment,
colors are ok.  (However, vim(1) only starts up as rvim.)

It is like that for years, i can reproduce it a hundred percent
(also see the nawk issue).  Todd Miller said in the issue that
bison uses some GNU specific library for these terminal sequences,
but i have zero idea from neither.  From a fast glance into the
very large bison codebase it seems quite logical (if it really is
that isatty(STDERR) thing).
I only wanted to report this issue, finally.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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