Bob Proulx <bob <at>> writes:
> Gee M Wong wrote:
> > I updated to the setup 2.457.2.2 from 2.427 and started getting
> > random errors from "rm".
> What do the numbers "2.457.2.2 from 2.427" mean in this context?  I
> can't place them.  They don't seem to be related to GNU coreutils.

That sounds suspiciously like the version numbers of the setup.exe program used
to install cygwin, but they have no bearing on your installed version of either
cygwin or coreutils, so I cannot offer more help without more information.  I do
suggest, however, that you take cygwin specific questions to cygwin AT cygwin
DOT com, not here.

> It seems strange to me that your user name and group names are
> capitalized strings "Gee" and "None".  You have a group "None"?
> Strange but probably okay.

"None" is a standard group name on Windows NT, typically found on home
installations that have no need for fancier group memberships.

> >   Gee <at> gee ~
> >   $ rm aaa
> >   rm: cannot remove `aaa': No such file or directory

I can't reproduce that on cygwin, either on Win9x or on WinXP, so I have no clue
where your problem is coming from.

> That does seem strange.  You created the file so it should be in your
> default group.  Now you should be able to remove the file.  However I
> wonder about a few things.  What is the output of these commands?
>   id
>   ls -ld
>   ls -ldn . aaa
> I would also see if other commands also have errors.
>   perl -e 'unlink( <at> ARGV) or die " <at> ARGV: $!\n"' aaa
> But other than these things I can't imagine what would create the
> behavior you are seeing.
> Bob
Eric Blake

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